Well, I made it safely to Tokyo, Japan. After a loooooooooong flight, I think I can safely say that I would rather drive to Arkansas from Milwaukee than endure another 13 hour flight. Unfortunately, driving from Bangkok to the states is not exactly possible, so it appears I'll be spending more quality time with a coach airline seat.
When I boarded the plane, walking to my seat was like walking from East Capitol Drive in Milwaukee to Whitefish Bay. Frankly, first class is a whole 'nother world. The seats are two-by-two, leather and large. The space between rows is large enough to allow you to actually utilize the recline feature on your chair without forcing the person behind you to endure a meal with their tray rammed into their stomach. And first class travellers get bigger pillows and FOOTIES! In coach, the seats are approximately the with of your average American's thigh, and the distance between rows is comically 6 inches wide. And I was forced to walk around in my own socks, rather than luxurious footies. I beg you, how is this fair? Shouldn't I, who has to endure endless hours in a smaller seat be allowed the one tiny luxury of free footies?? And furthermore, WHERE ARE MY PEANUTS? Whose idea was it to switch the snack to these stupid pretzel mixes. I am angered.
On a MUCH brighter note, I saw April -- Ms. Brown if you're nasty! -- for the first time in over a year. It was so exciting! Yay for travelling to Asia, landing in Tokyo, and seeing a soror-sis. Except for my deprival of footies (and the insecurity of crossing the
international date line), ain't life grand???