Well, I have finally become a productive member of society. I have officially started work at the Federal Highway Administration's Olympia Fields, IL office. The office is uber-casual, which is nice. However, the casual atmosphere has foiled my plans of rebellion. Here's what happened:
Picture it, Olympia Fields, June 5, 2005. So, there I am, at the reception desk at the Baymont Inn, ready to check-in. I had not yet received a confirmation number, but eh, what are the odds of them not having a reservation for me. Well, apparently, the odds were quite good. Upon attempting to check-in, I was told there was no such reservation for me. This, of course, after the fiasco of the retracted offer for housing in Chicago. So, I hop on my cell phone and disturb the powers that be to alert them to my situation. Turns out, they had the same problem with the other chick intern the day before. Arrgh. Oh well, at least I finally get a room.
Or so I thought. I walk into a tiny crawl space masquerading as a hotel room. The upside, there is a gigantic king size bed. The downside, the t.v. isn't working and there is no microwave which was promised to me. Therefore, I must move to a different room a mere hour later. Arrgh (again).
The chick intern and I are clearly disappointed. (The guy intern, not so much, since he had chosen to live here over Chicago). When our supervisor asked us how we felt, we politely told him of the general suckiness. So he offers to ask questions, and we say we'd appreciate that. The powers that be offer to look again, and are willing to pay for an alternative place if the other chick and I find someplace at a comparable price. Thinking this is near impossible, I think it's not likely.
Well, I was wrong. Get this, one of the original places offered to us, not only has housing, but is willing to let us move in until we no longer need to be there. Why was this not figured out BEFORE?! Yeah, if you figure out the answer to that, let us know. Anyway, I may be moving to Chicago if I can figure out how to get from the train station to my office. Here's where you can help. Where would you choose?
1. Leave your car (a very pretty Mustang) in the lot at the train station overnight. (Cost is about $1 a day). The police patrol the area at night, and will be taking information about your car and keep it on file.
2. Leave your car in Wisconsin. Take a cab to work from the train station everyday. (Cost is about $10-12 per day).
3. Stay in BFE, Illinois in aforementioned hotel room and purchase 2 meals a day everyday.
Vote is open until 11:50 a.m. tomorrow!