Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Accurate quotation

Every black person in America is bilingual. We speak street vernacular and job interview....
~~Dave Chappelle


Monday, February 27, 2006

It takes so much...

So, I've been saying (for at least 3 years) that law school takes a lot out of you. Emotionally, mentally, sometimes physically, it just drains you. And it does a pretty good job of killing off certain parts of you. Now, these parts may vary, depending on what type of person you are, and what kinds of classes you take -- but inevitably some part of you that existed before law school will cease to exist within the 3 years this journey takes.

That being said, I'm generally bemoaning this fact when I'm whining about something. However, I am happy to report that a psychologist actually did a study, and has determined that law school makes people risk averse. I read this in a book. Thanks to the Socratic method, the generally competitive atmosphere, and the fact that the lower part of the class has never been in that position before makes us extremely opposed to risks. So there! I am not making it up. pbbth.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Alert level intense red-orange

And so, I've decided to recommence the job search. Ok, to be fair, I've never actually stopped it, but I've decided to kick it up a notch. At any rate, I am applying some new tactics. Here's the real question: some books suggest expanding your options to your next choices of city. I've already got my top 3. I have no idea what to make my top 4-6. I mean really, could I actually live in Indiana/Kansas/Texas and not kill someone (myself included)? I didn't think I could either. So where are numbers 4 through 6?

Friday, February 24, 2006

Feeling artsy at the Pike Place Market. (Which really just looked like the expo center at the State Fair, but who asked me?)
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City views....
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A pretty little view from the top of the Needle
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Oh yeah, I owe you pictures. Here's my ride from Madison to Midway. I was on said luxury bus all by myself. Ahh, how does the other half live?
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Inspiration from Sex and the City

This was the post-it episode. A running theme of the show was whether everything happens for a reason, even if you don't know it yet. And furthermore, if everything happens for a reason, what is the lesson learned from a relationship that is ending.

That got me to thinking (oh, that line was sooooo Carrie Bradshaw wasn't it?!), what have I learned from my past relationships? I mean, my first love, obviously I learned something from that. And the second relationship, pretty clear what I learned from that (propensity for children, yay or nay). However, can we really say I learned anything from everyone's favorite relationship that was shorter than the break-up? Or how about the guy affectionately known as the Vinster? And what about the random non-relationships in between? Ok seriously, is there really something to be learned?

I have my doubts. But if a gun was to my head, I'd have a few thoughts. First, why is someone holding a gun to my head trying to figure out what I learned from past relationships? and Second, I think all I learned is that I am a very obsessive person. Oh, and that I really want a pretty pretty diamond for my engagement ring. Multiple carats, perhaps. :}

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Spring Break

I need somewhere cheap to go to for Spring Break. Any suggestions/invitations?!!

Kiss &Tango

Well, there was no kissing on the dance floor, nor was there any tango, but I definitely went out salsa dancing in a great big ballroom. It was fabulous. In the book, Kiss & Tango, the author calls the whole operation a milonga. Basically, it's where men who can dance the tango (or in my case, the salsa) go and women who love to be spun and dipped go to combine their interests. I must say, life was fantastic and fabulous that night. Although the engineer was a novice, he wasn't my only option. After making a concerted effort to dispel the notion that we were betrothed, several men asked me to dance. Some of them were more intense than others, but I quickly remembered what I learned in Mexico -- my one job was to be pliable and to follow. It was absolutely fantastic...I remembered just how much I love dancing.

In related news, the engineer claims that he will be starting lessons shortly AND will be quite good by the time I see him again. My reaction to this was a question "Does that mean it will be a really long time before I see you again, or that you're a really quick learner?". He said it meant that he's a really quick learner -- we'll see how that goes.

For the record, as of right now, I'm avoiding the question of where I'll be next year.

Guess where I was for a week?!
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Thursday, February 16, 2006


I couldn't come up with a witty title, but news will be forthcoming...I just don't want to ruin the surprise. Here's a hint though. :)