Monday, July 31, 2006

Until Further Notice

I am on a blogging hiatus until further notice. I'm taking a vacation AND I may have to delete this blog and come up with a different one. Apparently employers are using blogs as excuses not to hire people when they find them via google. So, if and until the webmaster can figure out how to keep my name out of the websearch, I am on strike.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Under Pressure

Remember that old Boyz II Men song? Under press--ahhhre. Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh.

Anyway. The exam begins in T minus 12 days. Feel free to start praying now. I know I"ll be P.U.S.H.-ing until then.

Talk to you in 2 weeks!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

TV Women

I am soooooooooo opposed to tv women. Why don't they ever know anything about sports? Why don't they watch sports? Why do they insist on talking during football? why, why WHY?! They are constantly making major snafus like this, and I find it awful. They are giving us real women a bad name. Or are they? Quick, unofficial poll. Are women out there, those that did not grow up in the era of strict gender identities, really that clueless as to sports? I mean, really, you don't have to know the star players of every team, but at least know which teams go with which sports. SERIOUSLY!

Ok, that is all. Really I just didn't feel like studying anymore. ARGH.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Pick Up Lines

I was properly scolded today for not posting my good friend's greatest pick up line EVER. So, here goes:

How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice. So, how are you doing? Wanna get together?

Ha Ha! Try it, it will work, the bearer of the Stick swears by it.