Wednesday, March 30, 2005

God is good, Life is good

Heck yeah life is good! As of Monday, I have a paying job WOO HOO!! I will be employed with the Federal Department of Transportation, in the Illinois office. Want to know why this job is badazz? Ok, I'll tell you:
1. They pay me to work for them.
2. They pay for my housing.
3. It's in Chi-town or a suburb of Chi-town with a mall.
(Insert dance of joy here).

Life is also good because I am officially dating someone. WOO HOO again! Just when I thought the last saga I lived through would also be my final saga, just when I was fraught with despair, along comes the sweetest guy in the world. As this is a public blog, I am withholding all other information. If you want to know more, you'll just have to ask me personally :). Suffice it to say that he is:
1. Literally, the sweetest guy I've ever dated.
2. Uber-cute (not that looks are everything, of course)
3. Definitely a major smart-arse (which is the ultimate redeeming quality).

So, life is good. Except for the part where I have two (2) papers due next Tuesday. But hopefully I'm making a mountain out of a molehill. Wish me luck friends!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

YOU GO GIRL! Glad things are going good for you. When do u move out there? :o)

pheebee said...

June 6th baby!!!