Monday, May 16, 2005


I have no update, because I'm currently involved in not doing anything at all. I am not seeing the guy because I haven't spoken to him since Thursday. He did send me a text message on Saturday saying he was sick and would call when he felt better. I'm still waiting for the call. So either (a.) he's really really sick (b.) he's dead (c.) i've been unceremoniously blown off. Feel free to vote on which you feel is most likely.

Also, I don't start work until June 6. Therefore, I am here lounging and generally not participating in activities. I did, however, FINALLY drag my arse back to the gym. I would like to point out that of all the weight I lost with W.W., I only gained 4 lbs back (yay, kinda); but I lost 7% body fat (woo hoo!). So now I'm determined to lose approximately 5% body fat and hopefully gain that 6 pack I've been wishing for since high school.

Such is the update....and the reason for lack of future blogging. (Unless, of course, something happens, in which case this blog should be disregarded).


Anonymous said...

Wow - this blog is no longer about Thailand. I have to go through all the work of going through the archives to relive those happy days.

pheebee said...

It's a rough life out there, friend.