Friday, September 02, 2005

Shh...Can you keep a secret?

I still miss him. I thought I was over him. But, apparently, I still miss him. Ah well, c'est la vie.

In other non-secret news, I have decided that I will take Italian for Romance Language Speakers. Portuguese conflicted with my schedule (grr) so I decided to take lemons and make lemonade. You may recall that I wanted to take Italian last year...but that didn't work out, hence Portuguese. This Italian course is terminal, so maybe next semester it will be back to Portuguese :)!

In even more news, I FINALLY finished my Thailand scrapbook AND my Hawaii scrapbooking. Japan is waiting in the wings. I'm shooting to finish it by tomorrow, but that may not actually happen. Who's excited to see it?!


Anonymous said...

I sure am excited to see the scrapbooks!

But damn romance language speakers! You're completely evil if you're able to speak more than one romance language!

However, you should be able to communicate nicely now with Sergio should you ever encounter him again! kd.

pheebee said...

Oh my gosh!!!!!!! I'd COMPLETELY forgotten about that airhead. Hmmm, maybe next trip to Montreal I'll have to find that cat and say Bonjour! and buon giorno all in one breath. HAHAHAHA!