Monday, November 28, 2005


Alright, I confess. I am a chronic under-eater. Not in the anorexic, eating disorder way. But in the 'my schedule got thrown off and so I haven't eaten for 5 hours' way. Which usually leads to headache or dizziness. ACTUALLY, that might not be true. I think my friends and family just say that because they know I get headaches often. I still maintain that there has been no proven connection between my headaches and my random eating habits.

But here's the problem. Say you haven't eaten anything all day -- but you did have a nice, warm, yummiful latte from the local coffee shop. You finally get around to eating something purchased at the mall or a nearby fast food place. So, say it's now quite late in the evening. What to do now? Do you eat something else that can be quickly bought? OR do you leave the eating for another day?

Yes, this was a random post. Yes I'm writing it simply to avoid studying. Blah.

1 comment:

pheebee said...

To quote my friend KP:
1 latte + some chicken
fingers does not equal a day's worth of food.
Already I'm being scolded. See what happens when you tell the truth on your blog?