I once said to a co-worker that patience is a virtue. She retorted that she was not a virtuous woman. These days, I'm feeling her.
Aside from waiting for that job to come along, and waiting to get my test results (topics I'm certain EVERYONE within a 75 mile radius is tired of me griping about), let's talk about my one true test of patience. My self-imposed-but-highly-necessary spending freeze. I am on a spending freeze to end all spending freezes with no hope of thaw in sight. Gotta say, it's not a good time.
I decided that I am not going to spend any money until a time t.b.d. It's killing me! Aside from the fact that stores abound with summer fashions that they must be rid of immediately, there is also the not-so-insignificant matter of the new fall fashions that I absolutely need. Despite my previous post about the psuedo-dire forecast about the state of fashion, my hope for the season was buoyed when I saw this month's magazine. Apparently, the hideous stretch pant phenom is reserved strictly for casual-wear. An area I can entirely ignore and hopefully avoid. Moreover, it appears that while this particular fashion is catching on faster than FloJo could run a mile, only those who truly look good in it are participating. Apparently, those blessed with curves are avoiding this particular trend like the plague, and leaving it to those woefully lacking in hips and butt. (Incidentally, while in fashion, it is desireable to be shaped like a pencil, it appears that in the beauty realm of the real world, womanly curves are still being hailed as the greatest thing since wifi). Basically, it's a sad state of affairs when all of this fashionable goodness is taking place around me, and the only needless expenditure I've allowed myself is a short no-fat sugar-free vanilla latte.
As a slight consolation prize, the spending freeze applies to food and alcohol as well. Although is slightly looser terms. I'm still allowed to spend a few dollars on a drink or two if I'm out with friends, but usually not enough to prevent me from driving. (Read: 1 alcoholic beverage and 1 sober beverage). I'm not really allowed to spend on prepared food, unless I desperately need to fulfill a craving. Thus, I'm eating healthier by default. (Read: I'm doing the cooking these days, and I'm making an attempt at healthier foods. Moreover, I usually don't want to create any more dishes than necessary, making eating less likley to happen if it means I have to use a plate or silverware). I may lose that study-weight faster than previously thought. Cutting out snacking sure makes it easier. On the other hand, if someone offered me a killer piece of cheesecake right now, I'd accept it and propose marriage to whomever it was.
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