Thursday, October 12, 2006


Alright. I was recently admonished for not properly updating my blog. So, here I am, officially catching you up on my life.

My first story is rather sad. Apparently, I am not ready to grow old gracefully. I always assumed that when one of the "7 signs of aging" began to appear, that I would be far too busy living my fabulous life to notice. However, a couple weeks ago, I discovered a wrinkle. No, forget that. I found a fine line. It is a smile line, and I am not smiling about it. Therefore, I have declared an all out war on this fine line. And any others that might decide to creep up. In related news, I think I am winning the war. I purchased some fabulous face cream and exfoliating soap and my skin is smooth as buttah. That"s right, pheebee 1, gravity 0. Moo haa haa!

Ok, second story. I need a new vehicle. When I had my smaller, cuter car, I was rarely hit on by car. This is no longer the case with my newer faster car. One morning, I headed to my car on my way to work. What I discovered was a small piece of torn paper placed under the windshield. It said "Will you finally call me?! :) Roy 555-555-5555" While this may be flattering, the problem is that I don't know anyone named Roy. And I didn't see this Roy person put this paper on my car. So who is he? Do I have a real, rather than pretend stalker? My friends and family have found this mostly entertaining. But I don't mind admitting that for the next couple days I kept checking my car to see if there was someone fluttering around it.

Less than a week later, I was at Starbucks. On my way in, I passed a gentleman on his way out. We exchanged pleasantries and so on. He told me I had a pretty smile, and I said thanks. Then I told him he had a nice car, because it looked just like mine. Well, while I was in Starbucks, awaiting my tasty beverage, he returned to the parking lot and put his card on my car, in hopes of receiving a phone call. The problem with this, is that he must be old (for me). He's the V.P. of a branch of a bank. Just think how much older than me he would have to be. Oy! Moreover, I didn't get a good look at him. All we said was "good morning" for goodness' sake!

Well, I suppose that just shows that I really am winning the battle against gravity :)!

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