Thursday, May 03, 2007

Top Ten Reasons

The title of my blog is "The Book I Keep Promising to Write." I have decided to give you the top ten reasons why this is an empty promise:

1. Because, my blog is only funny if you know me personally.
2. Because, I can't turn my blog into a coherent book.
3. Because I know someone who attempted to shop her blog as a book to publishers, and they told her that it was too blog-y and not book-y.
4. Because, I don't have any connections in publishing.
5. Because, if we take out all of the randomness, there's probably only 9 pages of book text here.
6. Because I attempted to write a fiction novel once, and it really wasn't that thrilling.
7. Although, that failed attempt was an attempt at a romance novel; so maybe it was a failed attempt because I wasn't writing from experience.
8. Because I don't have any ink in my printer.
9. Because I don't know anyone who would purchase it, except my friends and family, and that's really not enough people to support publishing costs.
10. Because I said so...until further notice. :)

Ok, I didn't say they'd be good reasons. But they're reasons. Of course, they're subject to change.


Anonymous said...

Details, details. So, when are you publishing that book again? Inquiring minds want to know.

Katherine. said...

publishing... hmm so seeing as how i'm your only friend in publishing and that's web publishing for IT trade mags and I don't know anyone in book publishing, I can see how you're not publishing anytime soon ;)

though i didn't think that challenge would slow you down :P

pheebee said...

Silly silly commenters. You can't coerce me into writing a book by using reverse psychology. HA! Nice try.