Wednesday, February 27, 2008

New Rant

Ok. I have had ENOUGH. I am tired of television putting pressure on women to have perfect, fabulous bodies (AKA bodies like mine - HA). But I am more tired of television not putting the same pressure on men. Because frankly, women are just as shallow as men. So QUIT putting fat men with pretty women on sitcoms.

Examples: According to Jim, King of Queens, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and the like.

I mean really. This is a terrible idea. Shows like these make men believe they have the right to hit on anyone, and women start ranking themselves and believing some men are unattainable. This is completely unacceptable. And I, for one, am not going to take it anymore! From now on, I vow to only watch shows with hot guys.

And while I'm on the subject of television, did anyone watch that new show Quarterlife? It aired for the first time last night on NBC. Thank you, NBC, for a show about a bunch of fake-plain white people. What do I mean by that, you ask? Well, let me explain. First of all, the take teeny tiny women, and put glasses or plain clothes on them, and make them play average characters. (I take offense to the glasses part -- and the clothes part, because I don't watch you to see you in a dirty t-shirt). And THEN, they add a cast of plain looking hippy dippy white guys. And, then on top of all of that, I am totally sick of the homogeneity of winter in the Chi. All of that adds up to a show that is a total disdain on my part. (That, and the plot wasn't really all that impressive).

Snugglies, or, The Importance of a Good Bathrobe

For the past few weeks, I have been living in a new set of playclothes. Enter the fabulous rubber duckie sweatpants and extra-snuggly bathrobe. I'm in heaven. You know that song that says "the weather outside is frightful...". Well, the weather outside is frightful -- but I couldn't care less! I can't remember the last time I went out. Usually, I'd be sad about this. But, thanks to the snuggly rubber duckie pajamas, and my extra comfy bathrobe, I am just ecstatic at the promise of lounging on my chaise. So, what we've learned is that staying in is an excellent past-time, as long as there are sweats and a bathrobe. (A t.v. and a nice warm fleece blanket help too!).

On a sidenote, currently the names Jack & Kate are winning. But I haven't sent out the survey link as an email yet. :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Signs you may be Boy Crazy...

So, there I was, reading the headlines on AOL. And I see a headline that says "Athlete Cut All Over Body." And I think: "oooh! I wonder if there are pictures?!"


Then I continue reading, and it says "Player falls through plate glass."

Yikes. Think it's time to find a new crush, maybe??? Hello, my name is pheebee, and I'm boy-crazy.

Monday, February 18, 2008

There's nothing wrong with a little OCD

In an effort to keep my current obsession fresh, I've created a survey. (How awesome is being able to create a web-based survey anyway?! So, feel free to vote at will!

Click Here to take survey

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Fashion Mini-Update

So, I have an update for the ladies out there. I've noticed a few things that have come up for spring. First, that awesome safari dress that I bought a couple years ago is going to fit right in this spring. The safari look is back. I've noticed quite a few patch pockets, khaki colors, and safari dresses making a comeback. I've also seen some new twists, such as suits with the patch pockets in the safari-khaki color (ATL), as well as rompers. I'm not sure about the romper look, as I've only seen it on tv models, so tbd on whether that will work for everyone.

Also, for casual-wear, evidently we're also looking to Africa for patterns, colors, and trims. Casual shirts are beaded, or have earthy patterns, or are in earthy colors.

On the flip side, the feminine look is back in. Good news for the boys! We're showing more of our feminine wiles next season. So, more frills, more skirts, and more frocks. Also, there are going to be a lot more fluttery materials. Jury's still out on this -- too many ruffles can go very very wrong. But, I'm pretty amped about the peasant-girl potential (just think how much more comfortable that would be!).

Once again, it looks like fashion really is for the masses these days. Offering complimentary, but different ends of the spectrum at the same time. Nice work fashion gods!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Time flies

So, I just discovered that I am woefully behind on the blogging. But really it's because not much has happened recently. Lately, I've been having a crisis a day, but nothing worth writing because they are neither big nor hilarious. But here's a quick rundown anyway:

1. My parents are driving me nuts. Seriously up the wall, climb a bell tower, and start shooting crazy. I will officially go on record and say that for the first time EVER, I wish I wasn't an only child. Arrgh!

2. I'm still waiting for the kitty-fund to grow enough that I can afford cat-man-doo. (No, I won't really name him/her that. Yeesh! Have some faith!)

3. If I don't get an interview for a new job soon, I may get back up on the bell tower. Just sayin'.

4. I keep waffling on whether or not I should take on the debt of a mortgage in LP. I mean, I know I can't really afford what I want...but is it better to pay rent for another 3 years (to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars making a swoosh! sound as they get flushed?)? Or, is it better to buy something less than what I want, take the tax write-off, and sell in 5 years? I have no idea. But I know that my current salary puts me below the lines needed to get special lower middle class loans.

So those are my crises. Not major right? Yeah, I know. I tried to warn you. But nooooo you refused to listen. so you get a post full of non-exciting chatter. :}