Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Men who text...

Only want sex. According to Franklin & Bash, anyway. So, my question is, are they right?

Technology has thrown the rules and etiquette of communication out of the window. Whereas before, you could count on the 3-day rule as an overall standard of calls (even on college campuses!), the only rule of modern day communication is that there is no rule.

Back in the day, (I'm told), a man would wait at least 3 days before contacting a woman he was interested in. The reason for the wait would range from not wishing to appear desperate -- to making a woman sweat so she would know he was hot stuff. (That last one caused single women everywhere to collectively roll their eyes to the heavens. Fellas? We? Are not impressed). Fast forward to the new millenium, the land of Luddites and iPhones, BBM and IM; and eharmony, and goodness only knows when you'll hear back and what the timing of that contact will mean.

Let's start with the Luddites, shall we? What does it mean to you if a guy doesn't have a mobile? (I'm only asking the ladies, because my understanding is that when it comes to women, men only care about one thing...and it ain't her method of communication). How important is it to you that a man has a mobile? My guess is that it is important that he has a mobile phone, but it's more important that he knows how to use it. A woman wants to know that you're on her mind, and the best way to do that is to text or call her.

When it comes to talking, however, it is important that you actually hear a ringing sound when using the phone every once in a while. If all you're doing is texting, he isn't really trying to get to know you. My guess is, he's using the quickest, laziest method to talk to you. Which tells me that he has little or no desire to put forth any kind of effort to date you. That doesn't mean he isn't interested in taking you out. But, my guess is "out" may include paper napkins or big screen tvs. And, the ultimate goal of going out is a speedy invitation to get "in." Sometimes, that is exactly what a girl wants. (Hey, this is a safe space. No judgment -- tramp ;}). Let's get real...some guys are just for fun (read: a pretty handbag, as previously explained...). And that's ok. What's not ok is trying to turn that guy into a real relationship. Try to remember that! Any real man worth dating, is willing to face a dial tone to get to you. I mean seriously, if a guy isn't willing to risk a few awkward silences, what else is he unwilling to do?

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