Thursday, March 22, 2012

Finished a couple things! (ish)

15. Get a massage
16. Send pics in to a modeling agency

Well, I got a free 10 minute chair massage. I think I need to do a repeat on that one.

As for a modeling agency - not quite. But Seagram's Gin is looking for models for it's 2013 calendar. In a true pucket-y-not moment, I went ahead and submitted a picture from last July. Let's see if I am a finalist (they didn't ask my height -- yet -- so I know I'm not automatically disqualified!).

If I keep going at this rate, I'll be done with my 101 in no time!! (HA. As if buying a new car or saving $10,000 is just a 15 minute project. HA!!!!)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

You know your dress is too tight when...

This morning as I was getting dressed, I picked out a dress that had 3/4 length sleeves, a faux wrap, and a busy, but small print pattern (so as not to overwhelm my vertically-challenged frame).  It also has a narrow pencil skirt, of the variety worn by impossibly fit (or ridiculously skinny) women.  And, most importantly, it's made of stretchy material.

Anyway, I bought this dress at the height of my new level of awesome, and I was rocking it.  This was a mere 6-8 months ago, but since then, I've backslid a bit.  Admittedly, my backsliding has been a result of my inability to workout.*  But, my eating habits were not the sort which allow for time off from the gym. Short story long, this morning I had an extra 5-7 lbs to put in this dress. 

When I got dressed this morning, I spent about 5 minutes fretting over the fact that the dress was a  I thought it was hugging** my arse a bit snugly.  I also was concerned that the soft mounds it formed to were located in the thigh/hip region, rather than the much more desirable region above my waist.  But, I was running late, and I couldn't think of a better alternative.  So off we went.

Well, I get to work, and I have had no less than three confirmations that my suspicions were correct.  First, when I was walking out of the lobby to make a 'bux run, I heard the security guard behind me go "mm, mm MM!!!".  You know the sound I'm talking about...the sort one makes when they see something and they just can't believe it?  Usually reserved for kiddie shenanigans, REALLY good cake, and the like.  Well, THAT'S the reaction I got from the ...ahem... rear view.  I told him that he needed to remember that when thinking makes noise, it's talking.  And then I proceeded to back out of the door, to prevent additional commentary.  When I got to 'bux, the cashier that's had a crush on me for 3 years slipped me a freebie.  Which, is nothing unusual.  Then he came around the other side of the counter, where I was waiting for a drink.  He asked the (white) guy standing next to me if they could switch spots, so that he could "stand and have that view."  ACK!  The (white) guy had on sunglasses, but now I'm pretty sure he had been ...ahem...checking my outfit for a VPL***, shall we say.  (Here is where my internal monologue began.  "Aw hell..." I thought to myself).  Finally, as I am walking red-faced, and hurriedly back to my office, I see a (Latino) guy walking towards me.  I am 70% certain I read his lips to say "damn!!!", but it was under his breath so I can't be certain.  Right after that, I got a smile/nod/"hi!" combo.  (And the internal monologue continued...@#$*@#$&@#*&@*$@!!!!!!  Not wearing this &@#$&@ dress again until I hit the gym!!). 

Listen, compliments appreciated, but when 4 different men of 3 different races are making similar comments; I'm pretty sure that my conclusion about the fit of this dress is spot on.  Goodness knows they weren't observing how well I accessorized, using a minor color, or that I emphasized the dress by wearing a neutral tone shoe.  Just sayin'.

*By the way?  I can't stress the importance of foam rolling.  Had I heeded my personal trainer's warning back in April, I wouldn't have gotten myself injured.  Necessitating 16 visits (or more) to a physical therapist, to strengthen my over-used IT band.  (And, as a result, take 5 months off from running, and 2 months off from working out altogether).

**And by hugging, I mean, hanging on for dear life

***VPL:  visible panty line

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A little housekeeping :)

46. Complete physical therapy

69. Attempt a new seafood recipe

I've had a productive week!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

You don't need Emily Post for this...

Last weekend, I had plans with the hot cop. He had to cancel last minute because of work, but he asked if I was available for the next day. I didn't have any plans, but I was reluctant to make any because I knew the potential for a headache was pretty high since I was getting my hair did. Nonetheless, I still agreed to schedule a meet-up. Well, he ended up standing me up. Normally, this would result in a lot of angry thoughts and text messages involving a few choice words. But my head hurt so damn much from getting a sew-in that I barely noticed he didn't show up. Later, I found out that he didn't show up because he was depressed over the news that he is getting deployed next year. I am not a total bitch, so I was understanding and I felt bad for him. That, and my headache was so bad that had he called, he would have found out that I was planning to cancel on him.

Now, the very next week, AKA on Friday, I asked him if he wanted to hook up after work after I finished up at happy hour with my co-workers. He'd already told me he had the day off, so I knew he was free. He actually agreed. As I was leaving downtown, I asked if he was cancelling on me, as he had done for the past few times we made plans. He then responded to my accusatory text: "No, I'm coming." And that was the last thing I've heard from him. My fault though. At the end of the day, as I've already said, his actions showed he just wasn't that into me. But, I kept attempting to give him the benefit of the doubt for that month, because he kept saying he was sooooo interested and would be switching to a different schedule, allowing for more availability. But, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Given that hot cop and I only went out a grand total of 5 times over the span of 3 months, it's not that big of deal in an individual sense. Hell, I faded him out after the first 2 dates. Dates #3-5 only happened because we had a mutual friend in Jade**. No, the point of this story was for background, in order to give a little lesson to everyone: Standing someone up is never, ever, EVER ok.

It doesn't take a whole lot of common sense* to know that everyone deserves common courtesy. If you decide not to go out with someone, you should tell them (be it a date, a friend, family, anybody!). In this day an age, there is too much available technology to keep someone waiting for more than 15-20 minutes. Anything longer than that requires a call, text, email, carrier pigeon, etc. I mean, really. Even if you're too chicken to actually make that call, you can very easily send a text. "sorry, can't make it today/tonight/this afternoon. something came up." You've still accomplished the blow-off, but you haven't completely wasted the other person's time.

Hey, I understand, sometimes blowing off plans is necessary. Sometimes you don't want to go to the mall. Sometimes, you don't want to endure another boring date. Sometimes you have the worst. headache. ever. For most reasonable people, it's not about the cancellation. We all gotta do it sometimes. It's about the disrespect you've shown by not being able to deign to pick up the damn phone (or carrier pigeon). You are not that special or busy. Show the person you're meeting with that you understand that the world does not, in fact, revolve around you. Just sayin'.

*or a rocket scientist

**Are 3 and 4 even dates? Since the 3 of us were kicking it while she was in town?!

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Civil War

My body and my brain are currently in a civil war. My brain is adamantly opposed to weighing more than I did when I reached my end goal in 2011. (We'll call this A#). On the other hand, my body is totally comfortable at my current weight. (We'll call this B#). Now, the difference between A# and B# is literally less than 10 lbs. But, it's a difference that I can see. Ostensibly, it's a difference others can see. Now, don't get it twisted, I always look good. I choose my wardrobe changes carefully, to reflect whatever shape I'm trying to get the world to see. So, it's really not about self-esteem. But, it is a little bit about what others think.

I've spent umpteen amount of time pointing out the differences between genders regarding the definition of beauty. (Ditto for the differences between cultures). But, here's a question...which side of the line do you choose when you're setting a goal? Consistently, whenever I've been in the general vicinity of A#, I've felt super hot (and more importantly, strong and healthy). But, whenever I'm in the vicinity of B#, the men in my life smile a little bit bigger, and make more ridiculous comments. (My favorite comment of all time? When the Titan told me the other day that last summer I was getting too little, was losing my thickness. He said, and I quote "some of those white girls around the gym had you...and we just can't have that during Black History Month." PAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.) Moreover, am I the only person who has this internal debate?

At the end of the day, it's about whatever makes YOU happy. You're the one putting in the work, so you might as well go for what you find sexy (as long as it isn't unhealthy, obvies). But, as the Titan once told me, be prepared for your significant other to "express his opinion." HA. I guess that's ok...since I have sooooo many things to say about his of cocktail...extracurriculars...friends... :}.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Check off!

A few more things down...

8. Do something drastic to my hair (Long weave...not quite Kardashian-esque, but definitely out of the box for me!!)

9. Return to working out (Cleared as of last Saturday!!)

28. Get certified as a group fitness instructor

Let's just say, it's been a productive week. What's up next?! (This is one of the rare occasions when I actually believe the journey is just as fun as the destination!

Friday, March 02, 2012

Underneath Your Clothes....

It's no secret that when women get all decked out from head to toe -- in a fly outfit, with matching accessories and perfect shoes -- they are just dressing for other women. At the end of the day, when a gal is looking the bomb-diggity, the boys notice that she looks nice, the girls notice the outfit. And, I think most women are comfortable with this.

As a former Sales Specialist at Victoria's Secret, there was also fashion to be had when it came to the unmentionables. We had matching bra and panty sets, lace, microfiber, cotton, t-shirt, neutrals, brights, the whole nine. And while there may not have been accessories, we certainly sold them as though they were another layer of accessories. Which is what led me to today's question: who cares?!! Allow me to explain.

As we've already established, when you're wearing a kick-ass outfit, other fashionable ladies will notice and admire as appropriate. But...those same ladies are not seeing your unmentionables.* When I was working @VS, I almost never heard a guy say how much he liked the colors and sets. They really just came in looking like lost lambs and buying whatever we told them. The only thing I ever heard a guy say was "man, that'd look nice on the floor next to my bed."**

On a related note, there is a scene in Bridget Jones' Diary where she is trying to decide what kind of underwear to wear. She has the option to put on the industrial strength Spanx -- which make her look slim and trim (and will ultimately lead to a guy wanting to find out what's under her clothes) OR she can put on the pretty little things (which look good when undressed, but does not help her look hot while dressed). It's a dilemma I'm sure every woman has faced at least once in her life. So what's a girl to do? I say, bump the fancy! Why are the girls wearing all of these silly lacy things? Why bother? And don't give me this "I wear it for myself" nonsense. No you don't. There is a direct correlation between fancy and discomfort. If you're going to be uncomfortable, throw on the industrial-strength Spanx. You might as well look good for the girls (aka the gender who cares) and then later on assume the boy is enjoying the fact that they got you naked at all (without regard to which unmentionables are on the floor next to his bed. HA).

*And before you say it, this holds true even if you're a lesbian. Unless you're some kind of crazy slut, best case scenario, you're only showing your unmentionables to 1 woman on any given day. If you are running about flashing the world, well then, I need to hang out with you! Your life sounds WAY more exciting than mine!!!

**Yes really. And yes, it was a guy I was dating at the time.