Tuesday, December 20, 2005
You Make Me Laugh
Bill Bryson is hysterical. Absolutely nuts and therefore his writing made me LOL. Literally, I laughed out loud. I'm sure my neighbors upstairs think I am some kind of maniac since they've undoubtedly heard me laughing loudly and uncontrollably for the past couple nights -- but I think we can consider it even since they continue to train clydesdales up there. Anyway, allow me to post a teensy excerpt (or 2 or 3) from his book "I'm a Stranger Here Myself":
From a chapter on funny statistics:
" Consider this intriguin fact: Almost 50,000 people in the U.S. are injured each year by pencils, pens, and other desk accessories. How do they do it? I have spent many long hours seated at desks where I would have greeted almost any kind of injury as a welcome diversion, but never once have I come close to achieving actual bodily harm."
"But the people I would really like to meet are the 142,000 hapless souls who received emergency room treatment for injuries inflicted by their clothing. What can they be suffering from? Compound pajama fracture? Sweatpants hematoma? I am powerless to speculate.
From a chapter on taxes:
"Complete Sections 47-52 first, then proceed to even-numbered sections and complete in reverse order. Do NOT use this form if your total pensions and annuities disbursements were greater than your advanced earned income credits OR vice versa."
"If you have any questions about filing,, or require assistance with your return, phone 1-800-BUSY-SIGNAL. Thank you and have a prosperous 1999. Failure to do so may result in a fine of $125,000 and a long walk to the cooler."
I found the chapter on taxes especially funny having just completed Tax 1A. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did, and I also hope you were not caught snickering inappropriately at your desk. If by chance you were, just read them the above passage, and I'll bet you'll get a raise. :)
From a chapter on funny statistics:
" Consider this intriguin fact: Almost 50,000 people in the U.S. are injured each year by pencils, pens, and other desk accessories. How do they do it? I have spent many long hours seated at desks where I would have greeted almost any kind of injury as a welcome diversion, but never once have I come close to achieving actual bodily harm."
"But the people I would really like to meet are the 142,000 hapless souls who received emergency room treatment for injuries inflicted by their clothing. What can they be suffering from? Compound pajama fracture? Sweatpants hematoma? I am powerless to speculate.
From a chapter on taxes:
"Complete Sections 47-52 first, then proceed to even-numbered sections and complete in reverse order. Do NOT use this form if your total pensions and annuities disbursements were greater than your advanced earned income credits OR vice versa."
"If you have any questions about filing,, or require assistance with your return, phone 1-800-BUSY-SIGNAL. Thank you and have a prosperous 1999. Failure to do so may result in a fine of $125,000 and a long walk to the cooler."
I found the chapter on taxes especially funny having just completed Tax 1A. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did, and I also hope you were not caught snickering inappropriately at your desk. If by chance you were, just read them the above passage, and I'll bet you'll get a raise. :)
Friday, December 16, 2005
Una Domanda
How do you tell your upstairs neighbor to please stop clydesdal-ing around at random hours when you've never actually spoken before?
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
This is hysterical
Courtesy of a fellow law student:
Should the Penis Get a Raise?
I, the Penis, hereby request a raise in salary for the following
* I do physical labor.
* I work at great depths.
* I plunge headfirst into everything I do.
* I do not get weekends or holidays off.
* I work in a damp environment.
* I work in a dark workplace that has poor ventilation.
* I work in high temperatures.
* My work exposes me to contagious diseases.
Sincerely, The Penis.
Dear Penis,
After assessing your request and considering the arguments you have
Raised, The administration rejects your request for the following reasons:
* You do not work eight hours straight.
* You fall asleep after brief work periods.
* You do not always follow the orders of the management team.
* You do not stay in your designated area and are often seen visiting other locations.
* You do not take initiative.
* You need to be pressured and stimulated in order to start working.
* You leave the workplace rather messy at the end of your shift.
* You don't always observe necessary safety regulations, such as wearing the correct protective clothing.
* You will retire well before you are 65.
* You are unable to work double shifts.
* You sometimes leave your designated work area before you have completed the assigned task.
And if that were not enough, you are constantly seen entering and exiting the workplace carrying two suspicious looking bags.
Sincerely, The Management.
Should the Penis Get a Raise?
I, the Penis, hereby request a raise in salary for the following
* I do physical labor.
* I work at great depths.
* I plunge headfirst into everything I do.
* I do not get weekends or holidays off.
* I work in a damp environment.
* I work in a dark workplace that has poor ventilation.
* I work in high temperatures.
* My work exposes me to contagious diseases.
Sincerely, The Penis.
Dear Penis,
After assessing your request and considering the arguments you have
Raised, The administration rejects your request for the following reasons:
* You do not work eight hours straight.
* You fall asleep after brief work periods.
* You do not always follow the orders of the management team.
* You do not stay in your designated area and are often seen visiting other locations.
* You do not take initiative.
* You need to be pressured and stimulated in order to start working.
* You leave the workplace rather messy at the end of your shift.
* You don't always observe necessary safety regulations, such as wearing the correct protective clothing.
* You will retire well before you are 65.
* You are unable to work double shifts.
* You sometimes leave your designated work area before you have completed the assigned task.
And if that were not enough, you are constantly seen entering and exiting the workplace carrying two suspicious looking bags.
Sincerely, The Management.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Life as a law student
Well, my life is not very exciting, and neither is any of my friends' at the moment. I would, however, like to say that it got all the way down to -2 degrees yesterday. *sniff
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Every once in a while, someone says something to me that is so funny that I am still laughing at it several days later. The following is just such a line, enjoy!
"I have a perfect track record of never being a homewrecker, thankyouverymuch." says me.
"Yeah, but, I live in an apartment..." says my scandalous friend.
" ." my lack of response, because I'm laughing far too hard. What do you say to that anyway?
"I have a perfect track record of never being a homewrecker, thankyouverymuch." says me.
"Yeah, but, I live in an apartment..." says my scandalous friend.
" ." my lack of response, because I'm laughing far too hard. What do you say to that anyway?
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Inspired by my away message
I have a few questions:
1. why is there snow on the ground?
2. where are all the jobs hiding?
3. why is dieting unfun?
4. where can i find a pretty cuddlebuddy?
Answers would be greatly appreciated.
1. why is there snow on the ground?
2. where are all the jobs hiding?
3. why is dieting unfun?
4. where can i find a pretty cuddlebuddy?
Answers would be greatly appreciated.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Alright, I confess. I am a chronic under-eater. Not in the anorexic, eating disorder way. But in the 'my schedule got thrown off and so I haven't eaten for 5 hours' way. Which usually leads to headache or dizziness. ACTUALLY, that might not be true. I think my friends and family just say that because they know I get headaches often. I still maintain that there has been no proven connection between my headaches and my random eating habits.
But here's the problem. Say you haven't eaten anything all day -- but you did have a nice, warm, yummiful latte from the local coffee shop. You finally get around to eating something purchased at the mall or a nearby fast food place. So, say it's now quite late in the evening. What to do now? Do you eat something else that can be quickly bought? OR do you leave the eating for another day?
Yes, this was a random post. Yes I'm writing it simply to avoid studying. Blah.
But here's the problem. Say you haven't eaten anything all day -- but you did have a nice, warm, yummiful latte from the local coffee shop. You finally get around to eating something purchased at the mall or a nearby fast food place. So, say it's now quite late in the evening. What to do now? Do you eat something else that can be quickly bought? OR do you leave the eating for another day?
Yes, this was a random post. Yes I'm writing it simply to avoid studying. Blah.
Friday, November 25, 2005
D.C. at night
I heart D.C. at night -- well, the monuments anyway. I'm sure the 'hood is nothing nice. But I have no intention of being in the 'hood at night, so I will stick with my original statement. I heart D.C. at night. And might I add, I feel that visiting the Jefferson Memorial at dusk would make for quite a romantic date -- I wonder if you can take a picnic out there? Hey neat! That's the second out-of-town romantic date I've discovered. (Remember my post about the Lou). Now all I need is the rich boyf who can afford to spring for the plane tickets and the hotel.
~I'll bet you'd be expected to put out for a date like that. Hmm, that's unfortunate because I'm not putting out for anything less than a carat.
~I'll bet you'd be expected to put out for a date like that. Hmm, that's unfortunate because I'm not putting out for anything less than a carat.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I was just watching the "tyra" show (not on purpose, believe me that was just the channel the t.v. was on when I turned it on). For the 15 minutes that I tolerated the show, I realized that that was 15 minutes of my life that I won't get back. But aside from that, I heard something interesting. Hugh Hefner, playboy extraordinaire, was on talking about monogamy. (Apparently, the topic of the show was 'is monogamy natural?') Tyra asked him if he thought monogamy was natural, and you can guess his answer. But then she asked if his heart had ever been broken by someone cheating. And he said yes. More shocking, he said that he had been faithful to his second marriage. I was shocked! Now, of course, there's the possibility that he's lying, but that wouldn't really do much for his reputation one way or another. So, assuming we believe him, isn't that reassuring? If Hugh Hefner, playboy extraordinaire, who ALWAYS has (ahem) bunnies around can be faithful, then maybe so can the average man.
Neat. That's one chip away at the big block of cynicism on my shoulder. :)
Neat. That's one chip away at the big block of cynicism on my shoulder. :)
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Profound thoughts while in the shower
You know that commercial for a hotel chain that says "just think what would happen to you if you stayed here..." and they show people winning Nobel prizes wrapped in towels, or coming up with a brilliant business plan while wrapped in a towel, etc. Basically these people have been coming up with wonderful ideas because the showerheads at the hotel were so great that they stayed in there and had great ideas? Well, short story long; I love that commercial because it's very true to life (for me). I ALWAYS think in the shower. Today, said thought was something I decided to share.
I've always wondered what people really think about me. Have you ever wondered this? I mean, certain things you're completely aware of. Other things, those things people just won't tell you, I've always wanted to know. What are those unspeakable things that people say behind my back? I mean, the true things, of course. The untrue things generally get back to me eventually -- (did you hear I slept with so and so? I know! I wonder if it was good?) Basically, I've always wondered what I don't know about my personality. I've always thought most people are aware that I can handle it, but I know people always say that, but they don't really mean it. So, I guess until I find someone that is super rude in normalcy terms, I'll just never know. Sad times. Ah well. Ignorance is bliss right? And if not bliss, at least it's an excuse for not changing those bad habits right? (That's my version of reality anyway :})
I've always wondered what people really think about me. Have you ever wondered this? I mean, certain things you're completely aware of. Other things, those things people just won't tell you, I've always wanted to know. What are those unspeakable things that people say behind my back? I mean, the true things, of course. The untrue things generally get back to me eventually -- (did you hear I slept with so and so? I know! I wonder if it was good?) Basically, I've always wondered what I don't know about my personality. I've always thought most people are aware that I can handle it, but I know people always say that, but they don't really mean it. So, I guess until I find someone that is super rude in normalcy terms, I'll just never know. Sad times. Ah well. Ignorance is bliss right? And if not bliss, at least it's an excuse for not changing those bad habits right? (That's my version of reality anyway :})
Friday, November 18, 2005
Una Domanda
Why is the guy on "how do i look?" wearing a skirt? Please explain. Furthermore, why is the skirt he's wearing not the only one he owns? If you hazard a guess, please keep in mind that he is in a heterosexual relationship and says he wears them for comfort. And then he had the audacity to be surprised when his g/f said it was a problem in their relationship.
Note to the male public at large: wearing a skirt will not turn your woman on.
Thank you.
Note to the male public at large: wearing a skirt will not turn your woman on.
Thank you.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Adventures in Bureaucracy
My newest adventure in dealing with idiots happened early this week. On Monday, I applied for a private loan because frankly, law school is expensive. (Insert comment about me being in-state here. Good, glad you got that out of your system).
However, instead of granting the loan, I received an email from Uncle Stafford telling me that my financial aid was already equivalent to my need/expenses, and therefore my loan was denied. Well gee! Why didn't I think of that?! If my expenses were already paid, why did I apply for that silly loan? Oh right. Because I still need money, so apparently I still have expenses. Idiots!
Meanwhile, I still need that money, but it is unavailable to me. Now, grant it, I'm not working right now. But even if I was, what kind of part-time job leads to $3500 (quickly, no less). Yeah, I couldn't think of one either. I hate school.
However, instead of granting the loan, I received an email from Uncle Stafford telling me that my financial aid was already equivalent to my need/expenses, and therefore my loan was denied. Well gee! Why didn't I think of that?! If my expenses were already paid, why did I apply for that silly loan? Oh right. Because I still need money, so apparently I still have expenses. Idiots!
Meanwhile, I still need that money, but it is unavailable to me. Now, grant it, I'm not working right now. But even if I was, what kind of part-time job leads to $3500 (quickly, no less). Yeah, I couldn't think of one either. I hate school.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Peaches & Cream
Yes, I have pictures of the D.C. trip, but they will have to be posted later. Today, I am making an announcement, for NYE I will be travelling south (ah, warmer weather) and having good times in the state of peaches. I was debating between Atlanta (pretty brown men) and Minnesota (awesome Phi-Os). In the end, after taking a poll, ATL won by a pretty tight margin. The deciding factor was that I spent NYE in Minnesota 2 years ago, and I've never spent it in ATL. Thus, I will be taking a trip south to visit an aforementioned engineer. Neat. :)
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Something Happened!
Yay! The Malpractice Bash happened. It was generally a good time. The med students definitely outnumbered the law students this year. Sadly, they were mostly lame and boring, but this was to be expected. The girls kept squealing though, and that was supremely annoying. The BLSA men were out in full force, and that is always wonderful to see. The 2L class, BLSA or otherwise, was shamefully MIA. The 1L class was there but quiet. And my class, well, we already knew most of us are lame, but those of us that love to party were definitely there. All in all, it was a good time. And to top it off, I managed to take a picture that made me look tall! Woo hoo!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
The Winds of Change...
Are stagnant. Darn it. In spite of quoting Etta, I am, indubitably, in a rut. My mother once told me that if you're finding something wrong with the whole world, maybe you're the one with the problem. Yeah, I'm living that life. Everything is driving me crazy these days. Everyone I know is grating on my nerves; my apartment makes me stir-crazy; I've been feeling whiny (which drives me crazy, let alone people I talk to I'm sure) and I have wicked cravings for random food. So unless I am pregnant via immaculate conception, I need a change.
So what to do? I need a vacation, but I have no moola; I am the engineer on the broke-train. I do have a trip to D.C. coming up, but alas, it is for an interview. (Note: that is singular, not plural). But I would much prefer a vacation. Or perhaps a different sort of distraction. Like, winning the lottery. Or maybe a new toy -- like a new cell phone or the iPod Nano. Or maybe a new love-interest. Something, anything new! Living vicariously through my friends is proving fruitless. I need my own life, the novelty of this one is wearing off.
Now, about those cravings -- anybody got a line on peanut butter cupcakes?
So what to do? I need a vacation, but I have no moola; I am the engineer on the broke-train. I do have a trip to D.C. coming up, but alas, it is for an interview. (Note: that is singular, not plural). But I would much prefer a vacation. Or perhaps a different sort of distraction. Like, winning the lottery. Or maybe a new toy -- like a new cell phone or the iPod Nano. Or maybe a new love-interest. Something, anything new! Living vicariously through my friends is proving fruitless. I need my own life, the novelty of this one is wearing off.
Now, about those cravings -- anybody got a line on peanut butter cupcakes?
Ok, last night I'm talking with my friend, and we were discussing relationships. How we got on that topic is beyond me, but I choose to blame him for it. Because, I was talking about my last LTR (long-term relationship), and I realized that my last one was 4 years ago. Good heavens! Really?! It's been that long? Sad.
Now, of course I've gotten over not having an LTR. It's not like that was my last date. But, law school has been taking FOREVER, so it doesn't feel like that was 4 years ago....almost 5 now! eek! Can I just graduate from law school immediately, and then pause time. I'm really not ready for adulthood, thankyouverymuch. And for the record, I plan to be 24 for at least one more year.
Now, of course I've gotten over not having an LTR. It's not like that was my last date. But, law school has been taking FOREVER, so it doesn't feel like that was 4 years ago....almost 5 now! eek! Can I just graduate from law school immediately, and then pause time. I'm really not ready for adulthood, thankyouverymuch. And for the record, I plan to be 24 for at least one more year.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Halloween in Madison. The Midwest's answer to Mardi Gras, Vegas, and Carnivale. As usual, the MPD was out, several thousand strong with riot gear and pepper spray. This year, I managed to avoid the mayhem. I haven't seen the news yet, to find out how many people were arrested and whether there was a riot. But my guess would be that it was slightly calmer this year because the school didn't allow any guests in the dorms for the weekend, and they sent out letters to all the other UW schools uninviting the students. (Aren't we the hosts with the most?) I did take a trip down memory lane and play a rousing game of A**hole. Ahh, college years. It's good to be President. Anyway, Halloween was fun, as it has been every year. Pictures will be posted shortly.
Friday, October 28, 2005
Found Treasures
Have you ever found an old roll of film from goodness-knows-when and decided to develop it? Well I had that moment this past weekend, so I finished said roll of film at the Cane Toss at Homecoming. The pictures ranged from last Halloween, to last Malpractice Bash and other random moments in my life. I think I'll be posting some during my class today, as I'll need something to keep me awake :).
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
My Flamingo Friend
My flamingo friend has a veritable cornucopia of quizzes on her blog. So I decided to take one of them. Here are my results.

You will perish of fits. Repeat this to yourself:
"Things can work out even if I don't get
my way. Things can work out even...."
What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?
brought to you by some guy who's name wasn't finished.
You will perish of fits. Repeat this to yourself:
"Things can work out even if I don't get
my way. Things can work out even...."
What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?
brought to you by some guy who's name wasn't finished.
A day in the life of...
Well, here's what's happening in my life:
1. I am fasting. I haven't eaten any solid foods since Sunday, and the fast isn't over until Friday at noon. Anyone who would like to join me at Olive Garden on Friday at 12:01 should contact me immediately. My Auntie says that I will be able to tell people how good God is at the end of the fast. And while I believe that wholeheartedly, I can honestly say right now, all I can tell people is how good some barbeque wold be right now.
2. I was fasting last week as well. Except last week, it was no meat and no media. Giving up meat wasn't so bad. Giving up secular music was also not so bad. Giving up t.v. was horrible! I'd even go so far as to say it was slightly worse than this week's fast. I am quite dependent on t.v. I don't know if that is very sad or just fact. But, there it is.
3. I will be attending a fraternity Black and Gold masquerade ball on Friday. I may have invited my ex (yes that one), and he may have accepted. But my invitation was conditional on my friend taking a date....I did NOT want to be the 3rd wheel. But if she doesn't take a date, and I can manage to uninvite the ex, then I might get to play with the adorable president of the fraternity. He's so young though, (and kinda skinny a la my last law school fling), so all play dates are required to be in public places a.k.a. at parties.
4. Yet another couple at the law school is engaged. That makes, what, a million? How is it all these people are getting engaged/married, and I can't even get a friggin' date?
5. The sexy engineer from Atlanta is going to be soooooooo very close to me tonight and tomorrow. He is flying into Chicago to interview in Rockford. Far far closer than Atlanta. But, sadly, he's only going to be in the vincinity for less than 24 hours. Not nearly enough time to get together. Which is just as well, since inevitably we'd want to go out to eat, and I can't eat. (See happening #1).
6. I am still wondering why the best relationship I have with the male persuasion is one with a man who is several hundred miles away. There have been all kinds of theories on this ranging from my tendancy to be like a dude, to my tendancy not to enjoy people. Either way, it is highly inconvenient that I don't have any distractions within driving range.
The end. Isn't my life exciting? Ok, so it's not. But at least you're updated!
1. I am fasting. I haven't eaten any solid foods since Sunday, and the fast isn't over until Friday at noon. Anyone who would like to join me at Olive Garden on Friday at 12:01 should contact me immediately. My Auntie says that I will be able to tell people how good God is at the end of the fast. And while I believe that wholeheartedly, I can honestly say right now, all I can tell people is how good some barbeque wold be right now.
2. I was fasting last week as well. Except last week, it was no meat and no media. Giving up meat wasn't so bad. Giving up secular music was also not so bad. Giving up t.v. was horrible! I'd even go so far as to say it was slightly worse than this week's fast. I am quite dependent on t.v. I don't know if that is very sad or just fact. But, there it is.
3. I will be attending a fraternity Black and Gold masquerade ball on Friday. I may have invited my ex (yes that one), and he may have accepted. But my invitation was conditional on my friend taking a date....I did NOT want to be the 3rd wheel. But if she doesn't take a date, and I can manage to uninvite the ex, then I might get to play with the adorable president of the fraternity. He's so young though, (and kinda skinny a la my last law school fling), so all play dates are required to be in public places a.k.a. at parties.
4. Yet another couple at the law school is engaged. That makes, what, a million? How is it all these people are getting engaged/married, and I can't even get a friggin' date?
5. The sexy engineer from Atlanta is going to be soooooooo very close to me tonight and tomorrow. He is flying into Chicago to interview in Rockford. Far far closer than Atlanta. But, sadly, he's only going to be in the vincinity for less than 24 hours. Not nearly enough time to get together. Which is just as well, since inevitably we'd want to go out to eat, and I can't eat. (See happening #1).
6. I am still wondering why the best relationship I have with the male persuasion is one with a man who is several hundred miles away. There have been all kinds of theories on this ranging from my tendancy to be like a dude, to my tendancy not to enjoy people. Either way, it is highly inconvenient that I don't have any distractions within driving range.
The end. Isn't my life exciting? Ok, so it's not. But at least you're updated!
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Coming Home
You know, the nice thing about driving to Iowa these days? There isn't class at the end of the ride. In fact, it usually means I've escaped class and been wholly unproductive for a few days. I love homecoming. What a great excuse to party with people you haven't spoken to in forever, and get the newest gossip (my Phi-O mom is married?!!? WHAT!?), who's pregnant?! (ok no one, that was an exaggeration). Plus you get to see all the people that gained weight (HAHA BITCHES!) and all the people that look too fabulous for words (Darn them!). All in all, it was a great 24 hours.
OH! And I am also extremely happy to report that I met not only our founders, but also the newest m-te's. The Os are keeping it real and have increased the m-te members. Atta girls! Phi O D.Q. 4eva!
OH! And I am also extremely happy to report that I met not only our founders, but also the newest m-te's. The Os are keeping it real and have increased the m-te members. Atta girls! Phi O D.Q. 4eva!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
And then....
So, I thought yesterday was a good day....
And then, I accidentally slept in too late.
And then, I was 2 minutes late to Italian class.
And then, I forgot to take my meds at the normal time.
And then, the meds started messing with my head more than normal.
And then, I couldn't see a darn thing out of my contacts, because the prescription is wrong.
And then, (drumroll please)
And then, a riding lawnmower ran into, and injured (and by injured, I mean cracked the body of) my scooter.
And then, I accidentally slept in too late.
And then, I was 2 minutes late to Italian class.
And then, I forgot to take my meds at the normal time.
And then, the meds started messing with my head more than normal.
And then, I couldn't see a darn thing out of my contacts, because the prescription is wrong.
And then, (drumroll please)
And then, a riding lawnmower ran into, and injured (and by injured, I mean cracked the body of) my scooter.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
My Undergrad Experience
A quote that just about sums it up....taken from a comedian on Bravo's "Great Things About Being"...
'would I date him? Date is such a big word; I'd probably french kiss him for the anecdote'.
Well said.
'would I date him? Date is such a big word; I'd probably french kiss him for the anecdote'.
Well said.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Getting worse, not better
The FFL continues, as will my dominance. Ok, I don't know that for sure, but I do know that I am getting more obsessed, not less. Tomorrow, magazine points are going to be posted. But instead of waiting, like a good little girl (I slept with one eye open on Dec 24 when I was little too), I start checking the magazines that I am in possession of to see which designers have big mentions. It looks like my points horse, Armani (Amo italiani!) stands to give me a gain of 100 points tomorrow. Ahh, what a great first round draft pick. Eat your heart out league members. I am Queen of the Fashionistas!
I am wont to admit it, but oddly enough, I am suddenly understanding the obsession with fantasy football.
I am wont to admit it, but oddly enough, I am suddenly understanding the obsession with fantasy football.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Comin' for that #1 spot
It's official. I am the fashionista that everyone believes I am. I am currently in 1st place in the FFL. I RULE!
In other news, I have a horrible case of "hives". We don't know that they are hives, but anyway, I'm on a ton of meds. One of them, the pharmacist told me will give me mood swings and tummyaches. Awesome, it'll be like I'm on my period for 20 days.
In other news, I have a horrible case of "hives". We don't know that they are hives, but anyway, I'm on a ton of meds. One of them, the pharmacist told me will give me mood swings and tummyaches. Awesome, it'll be like I'm on my period for 20 days.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
In like Flynn
I found five other people who are just as excited (and geeky) as me. We are sooooooooo doing it. Keep an eye out for my team players:
Celebrities: Gwyneth Paltrow, Will Smith, Felicity Huffman
Celebrity Designer: Jennifer Lopez
Clothing Designers: Vera Wang, Prada, Giorgio Armani
Handbag Designer: Kate Spade
Jewelry Designer: Fred Leighton
Shoe Designer: Ferragamo
Celebrities: Gwyneth Paltrow, Will Smith, Felicity Huffman
Celebrity Designer: Jennifer Lopez
Clothing Designers: Vera Wang, Prada, Giorgio Armani
Handbag Designer: Kate Spade
Jewelry Designer: Fred Leighton
Shoe Designer: Ferragamo
Thursday, September 15, 2005
So, I was watching the Today Show this morning, when they started talking about "Football Widows" and how women needed something to do while the menfolk were off watching football. I have to admit, I was more than a little insulted by this proposition. I am a woman, and adore football. But, I kept watching (I'm hostage to my ever-fussy reception). Apparently, some chick with far too much time on her hands has created a Fantasy Fashion League. Ahem, pardon?
Well, I looked at the website. You need 6 people to start a league. Then, each "team" selects 10 "players". The players are designers -- clothing, shoes, handbags -- and celebrities. Points are acquired through press releases, sightings, mentions in magazines, etc. The website keeps track of all the points for you, and then at the end there's a winner. Each winner will be entered into a drawing to win a $1000 shopping spree at the online shoe store, zappos. Well, needless to say, I was intrigued. I have since emailed all of my fashion savvy friends, and hopefully we will have a --shall we say, League of Our Own?!
The downside is that it costs $18, but happily $8 of each person's fee goes to Katrina aid. NICE!
Well, I looked at the website. You need 6 people to start a league. Then, each "team" selects 10 "players". The players are designers -- clothing, shoes, handbags -- and celebrities. Points are acquired through press releases, sightings, mentions in magazines, etc. The website keeps track of all the points for you, and then at the end there's a winner. Each winner will be entered into a drawing to win a $1000 shopping spree at the online shoe store, zappos. Well, needless to say, I was intrigued. I have since emailed all of my fashion savvy friends, and hopefully we will have a --shall we say, League of Our Own?!
The downside is that it costs $18, but happily $8 of each person's fee goes to Katrina aid. NICE!
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Just so you know, if you choose to leave me happy posts, you will have to verify that you are a real human being. Just type the word as you see it, to prove that you aren't a robot. Thanks! Merci! Gracias! Obrigada! Grazie!
Thursday, September 08, 2005
So, there I was, listening to Dick while taking a long swig of Naked Juice
This is the comment made about me while sitting in my Biz Trans class. I was hugely amused (as my friend says, I am easily amused) and so it has become the title of today's blog. I really don't have much to say, as I don't lead a very exciting life these days, but I would like to reflect on things I'm loving about life right now.
1. I have a MAJOR crush on a sexy engineer. He is uber-cute, uber-smart, and meets the height requirement. I enjoy dreaming of lazy days of cuddling. (Does this make me a hopeless romantic, or seriously hard-up?)
2. I have a mere 24 credits to complete in order to graduate. Do you realize just how leisurely my life will be this year?! Ahhhh, it feels good to reap the rewards of working my arse off last year.
3. I ADORE taking Italian. I haven't started my "self-study" of Portuguese. I look forward to the self-confusion that will ensue. But for now, I am super-pumped that I might actually crack my 5 languages goal.
That is all for now. Health, family, etc. notwithstanding. The one thing I lament is that no one is sending me flowers, but a girl can't have everything now can she? Ok, well she can, I just don't right now. It's cool....I bought myself flowers. So there. :P
1. I have a MAJOR crush on a sexy engineer. He is uber-cute, uber-smart, and meets the height requirement. I enjoy dreaming of lazy days of cuddling. (Does this make me a hopeless romantic, or seriously hard-up?)
2. I have a mere 24 credits to complete in order to graduate. Do you realize just how leisurely my life will be this year?! Ahhhh, it feels good to reap the rewards of working my arse off last year.
3. I ADORE taking Italian. I haven't started my "self-study" of Portuguese. I look forward to the self-confusion that will ensue. But for now, I am super-pumped that I might actually crack my 5 languages goal.
That is all for now. Health, family, etc. notwithstanding. The one thing I lament is that no one is sending me flowers, but a girl can't have everything now can she? Ok, well she can, I just don't right now. It's cool....I bought myself flowers. So there. :P
Friday, September 02, 2005
Shh...Can you keep a secret?
I still miss him. I thought I was over him. But, apparently, I still miss him. Ah well, c'est la vie.
In other non-secret news, I have decided that I will take Italian for Romance Language Speakers. Portuguese conflicted with my schedule (grr) so I decided to take lemons and make lemonade. You may recall that I wanted to take Italian last year...but that didn't work out, hence Portuguese. This Italian course is terminal, so maybe next semester it will be back to Portuguese :)!
In even more news, I FINALLY finished my Thailand scrapbook AND my Hawaii scrapbooking. Japan is waiting in the wings. I'm shooting to finish it by tomorrow, but that may not actually happen. Who's excited to see it?!
In other non-secret news, I have decided that I will take Italian for Romance Language Speakers. Portuguese conflicted with my schedule (grr) so I decided to take lemons and make lemonade. You may recall that I wanted to take Italian last year...but that didn't work out, hence Portuguese. This Italian course is terminal, so maybe next semester it will be back to Portuguese :)!
In even more news, I FINALLY finished my Thailand scrapbook AND my Hawaii scrapbooking. Japan is waiting in the wings. I'm shooting to finish it by tomorrow, but that may not actually happen. Who's excited to see it?!
Monday, August 22, 2005
Last night, I witnessed one of the greatest flashback moments of all time. I was sitting in BW3s, watching (much to my embarrassment and chagrin) WWE Summer Slam. Although it was painful for most of the 2 hours I was there, I was rewarded with two very exciting occurrences. First, The Undertaker is still wrestling. He lost, but it was definitely a blast from the past. But, more importantly, the last twenty-six minutes were filled with bone chilling excitement....
The man himself, the man in red and yellow, came out of retirement for one last match. That's right, I watched Hulk Hogan wrestle in a post-retirement, result of trash-talking and former tag-team partner revenge, match. He wore the red and yellow feather boas, the tie-dyed red and yellow tights, AND the much loved Hulkamania bandana. In spite of the unbelievably bad acting, I was deeply enthralled. I watched that fight during all 26 teeth-gnashing, bone-clenching, white-knuckle minutes and it was fan-freakin'-tastic. I then called all my friends and relatives to tell them about it. Ok, not all of them, but everyone that I thought would be remotely amused by the event. I'm still reeling from the excitement of it all :).
The man himself, the man in red and yellow, came out of retirement for one last match. That's right, I watched Hulk Hogan wrestle in a post-retirement, result of trash-talking and former tag-team partner revenge, match. He wore the red and yellow feather boas, the tie-dyed red and yellow tights, AND the much loved Hulkamania bandana. In spite of the unbelievably bad acting, I was deeply enthralled. I watched that fight during all 26 teeth-gnashing, bone-clenching, white-knuckle minutes and it was fan-freakin'-tastic. I then called all my friends and relatives to tell them about it. Ok, not all of them, but everyone that I thought would be remotely amused by the event. I'm still reeling from the excitement of it all :).
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Are you kidding?
Why did I get spam in my blogger comments? Have spammers really sunk this low? (see below comment).
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Notice how it looks much like the changing of the guard in Bangkok.
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...And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you...but what you can do for your country. This is a picture from the JFK memorial in Arlington Cemetary.
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Thursday, August 04, 2005
Hot, hot, hot
Last I checked, I was visiting the nation's capital, not the tropics. Why is it so blinkin' hot?!
Anyway, my first night in town, some of us walked down to the Lincoln Memorial and saw the Washington Monument and the WWII Memorial. They were quite historic :). I also noticed that there were urns, lights, and "quiet please" signs all around. I mused to myself that this was interesting. Whereas other cultures have temples of religion, we have temples of democracy....and that's ok with me. (I happen to enjoy that whole, "liberty and justice for all" theme. Even if it is mostly theory rather than practice :P).
Anyway, my first night in town, some of us walked down to the Lincoln Memorial and saw the Washington Monument and the WWII Memorial. They were quite historic :). I also noticed that there were urns, lights, and "quiet please" signs all around. I mused to myself that this was interesting. Whereas other cultures have temples of religion, we have temples of democracy....and that's ok with me. (I happen to enjoy that whole, "liberty and justice for all" theme. Even if it is mostly theory rather than practice :P).
Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Arch, at dusk..."Gateway to the West"...and new fave romantic weekend getaway of mine. :)
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This is the old courthouse in St. Louis....and where the infamous Dredd Scott case was decided.
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Sometimes a HotShot just shows up on your camera. This was taken at the top of the Arch.
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Monday, August 01, 2005
HA and might I add HA!
Please see the post entitled "A little bit of bubbly and standardized testing". And then you too will be endlessly entertained. A word of caution: if you're at work, you will be caught snickering inappropriately.
Meanwhile, I was planning on posting my romantic pictures of St. Louis without my romantic partner. However, I forgot such necessary essentials as the camera and the USB cable. I don't like to quibble with such details.
Meanwhile, I was planning on posting my romantic pictures of St. Louis without my romantic partner. However, I forgot such necessary essentials as the camera and the USB cable. I don't like to quibble with such details.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
So, I was in St. Louis, MO on Thursday and Friday for a hearing. It was quite nifty hearing an Assistant U.S. Attorney use a quote that I pulled from cases I researched in her oral argument. It was even niftier that I, (being sly like the jungle cat), found that quote in the Plaintiff's principle case. (hee hee).
In other news, I went to the Arch to kill some time (as I was alone in St. Louis, sad). But, while I was there, I noticed what a pretty little town St. Louis is. In fact, if I had a luvah I would for sure want to go there with him. We could probably forgo the $10 trip up the Arch, but walking to it and under it would be lovely. Perhaps even a picnic on the steps. Look at me! I have a fantastic romantic weekend planned -- now all I need is a date. Hmm...volunteers...ahem, eligible volunteers?
In other news, I went to the Arch to kill some time (as I was alone in St. Louis, sad). But, while I was there, I noticed what a pretty little town St. Louis is. In fact, if I had a luvah I would for sure want to go there with him. We could probably forgo the $10 trip up the Arch, but walking to it and under it would be lovely. Perhaps even a picnic on the steps. Look at me! I have a fantastic romantic weekend planned -- now all I need is a date. Hmm...volunteers...ahem, eligible volunteers?
Monday, July 25, 2005
You know it's hot when
You get in your car, and your glasses steam up. Literally, my glasses steamed up as if I had just walked into a sauna.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Strep throat makes me sad. It also makes me sad that I have had strep throat so many times that when I was rudely awakened by a stabbing pain in my inner ear I knew instantly that I had strep throat. Then, 6 hours later, I was cursing living in a state without universal health care. Why is it so difficult to see a doctor?
Furthermore, I am NOT having a happy period, in spite of "always" ads. Chocolate might make it better....
Furthermore, I am NOT having a happy period, in spite of "always" ads. Chocolate might make it better....
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
"A Happy Period" -- Another rant about advertising
Did Always brand recently hire men to do their advertising? The new campaign is "Have a Happy Period". Now, I am rarely a victim of the vicious mood swings that often accompany those fateful days at the end of a woman's cycle, but I can say that "happy" is not a word I'd use to describe that time of my month. I mean seriously, the only way any maxi-pad is going to make my "time" a "happy period" is if I discover a bar of solid gold and or diamonds....or alternatively, if I find the inside lining to be made of crisp hundred dollar bills wrapped in plastic. Thankyouverymuch.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Today, an engineer says :
"How are we gonna get through the rest of this day? My Give-a-Shit meter is at about a 9, and I don't see it going down". HAHAHAHAHAHA. I LOVE it! I will be using this quote often.
"How are we gonna get through the rest of this day? My Give-a-Shit meter is at about a 9, and I don't see it going down". HAHAHAHAHAHA. I LOVE it! I will be using this quote often.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Monday, July 04, 2005
Are they serious? I grant you, I'm biased against other states. But I find it mildly insulting that I just saw an advertisement, starring dairy cows. Do you know who the advertisement was for? California cheese. Err...excuse me..."Real California Cheese". Is that as opposed to fake Cali cheese? Nah, I'm not that naive. That's as opposed to Real Wisconsin cheese. Now, I beg you, (especially you non-Wisconsin natives), when you think of cheese, what's the first state you think of? I understand advertising your product, but who in their right mind would be convinced by a commericial starring dairy cows that say great cheese comes from California?
The ad agency in charge of that commercial should really be fired. :\
The ad agency in charge of that commercial should really be fired. :\
"Slavery Under New Manangement"
Ok, so that's only a slightly controversial title for 4th of July, but I was laughing my arse off when the KRW said it.
Anyway, my weekend was quite loverly. How was yours? I spent a substantial amount of time driving about, but I, being the Master Traveller, avoided most traffic. I went out Friday night in Brewtown. Then to Pab's party on Saturday afternoon, followed by pizza with my Eternal Optomist friend Saturday night (after we were forced out by our ride's new pal). Then hanging out at home on Sunday and Monday. (And I purchased a ridiculous pair of shoes, but I couldn't help it -- they were calling me.)
All in all, I'd say it was a pretty kick-ass weekend. :)
Anyway, my weekend was quite loverly. How was yours? I spent a substantial amount of time driving about, but I, being the Master Traveller, avoided most traffic. I went out Friday night in Brewtown. Then to Pab's party on Saturday afternoon, followed by pizza with my Eternal Optomist friend Saturday night (after we were forced out by our ride's new pal). Then hanging out at home on Sunday and Monday. (And I purchased a ridiculous pair of shoes, but I couldn't help it -- they were calling me.)
All in all, I'd say it was a pretty kick-ass weekend. :)
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Beauty and the Geek
Ok, wow. We, as a people, are very shallow. I don't think we should be ashamed of it. Just think, peacocks have pretty feathers, the robin has a red breast, doggies sniff, and the list goes on and on. So, what we do is preen by clothing. And might I just say, after watching this week's episode of "Beauty and the Geek" on the WB; I feel we should continue this custom.
Let's admit it. First impressions are everything. Furthermore, I don't care what we say about the importance of a person's personality....You just have to want to see that person naked before you care to find out about their personality. Sexual attraction is key. And clothes really do make the man.
Does this make us shallow? Of course. Does that make us terrible people? No. Just don't forget about everything that's important. Use it for first impressions ONLY! (Unless you have a REALLY REALLY good reason for placing more emphasis on looks -- wink).
Let's admit it. First impressions are everything. Furthermore, I don't care what we say about the importance of a person's personality....You just have to want to see that person naked before you care to find out about their personality. Sexual attraction is key. And clothes really do make the man.
Does this make us shallow? Of course. Does that make us terrible people? No. Just don't forget about everything that's important. Use it for first impressions ONLY! (Unless you have a REALLY REALLY good reason for placing more emphasis on looks -- wink).
Letters of Request, and the Response
To: The Board
From: pheebee
Re: Signage
Dear Distinguished Members of the Board,
I respectfully request the immediate removal of the sign which
says "fb enjoys the company of older men". This statement
is patently untrue. Furthermore the creepy old men of Matteson, IL
continue to pester me. I am not safe at the gym or at the gas
station. Please remove and destroy this sign.
Very Truly Yours,
Ms. "I only go for men my age"
To: pheebee
From: The Board
Re: Signage Removal Request
Dear Ms. "I only go for men my age,"
We have respectfully considered your request on this matter, and have
agreed to grant it. However, please note that the creepy old men of
Matteson, IL, as well as the rest of the world have informed the Board
that despite signage removal, they will nonetheless persist in their
harassing of young girls. Provided below is an excerpt of said letter:
"Harassment of young women is integral to our identity as creepy old
men. Furthermore, as many men suffer from delusions stemming from middle
age hormonal fluctuations, many are unable to grasp or appreciate that
their advances are patently unwelcomed. We sincerely hope that you may
understand our position on this matter, and as such reduce your pepper
spraying of our members."
Very Truly Yours,
The Board
This is highly disappointing. It's a day since I"ve received this response from the Board, and a mere few minutes ago I was accosted by yet another old man!! Somebody get me some pepper spray!!!!!!
From: pheebee
Re: Signage
Dear Distinguished Members of the Board,
I respectfully request the immediate removal of the sign which
says "fb enjoys the company of older men". This statement
is patently untrue. Furthermore the creepy old men of Matteson, IL
continue to pester me. I am not safe at the gym or at the gas
station. Please remove and destroy this sign.
Very Truly Yours,
Ms. "I only go for men my age"
To: pheebee
From: The Board
Re: Signage Removal Request
Dear Ms. "I only go for men my age,"
We have respectfully considered your request on this matter, and have
agreed to grant it. However, please note that the creepy old men of
Matteson, IL, as well as the rest of the world have informed the Board
that despite signage removal, they will nonetheless persist in their
harassing of young girls. Provided below is an excerpt of said letter:
"Harassment of young women is integral to our identity as creepy old
men. Furthermore, as many men suffer from delusions stemming from middle
age hormonal fluctuations, many are unable to grasp or appreciate that
their advances are patently unwelcomed. We sincerely hope that you may
understand our position on this matter, and as such reduce your pepper
spraying of our members."
Very Truly Yours,
The Board
This is highly disappointing. It's a day since I"ve received this response from the Board, and a mere few minutes ago I was accosted by yet another old man!! Somebody get me some pepper spray!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Observations from Exile
Having spent a week in Olympia Fields now, I have come to observe some things. First, my dear citizens of Chicago, you have got it all wrong. This is not, in fact, a suburb as the rest of the country knows it. (And by the rest of the country, I mean Milwaukeeans). Suburbs are areas that are near the urban area. (And by near, I don't mean 20 miles).
This is more like quasi-urban. There are endless numbers of big box stores and chain restaurants. I can't begin to count the number of desperate housewife SUVs that clog the roadways. And there are cookie-cutter townhouses as far as the eye can see. However, there is no sign of local stores and restaurants, no local favor, and no attitude or charm. AND, nothing to do. There's also no way to do something in the nearest urban area (Read: Chicago) because the last train back to OF leaves at 12:55. Hope you have friends in town.
And yet, people still live here. The reason is beyond me, but I imagine it's because they crave the quiet life for their families and kids. Bah!
This is more like quasi-urban. There are endless numbers of big box stores and chain restaurants. I can't begin to count the number of desperate housewife SUVs that clog the roadways. And there are cookie-cutter townhouses as far as the eye can see. However, there is no sign of local stores and restaurants, no local favor, and no attitude or charm. AND, nothing to do. There's also no way to do something in the nearest urban area (Read: Chicago) because the last train back to OF leaves at 12:55. Hope you have friends in town.
And yet, people still live here. The reason is beyond me, but I imagine it's because they crave the quiet life for their families and kids. Bah!
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Unenthusiastically stuck
Well, common sense beat sanity. I am remaining in BFE for the duration of the program. Very depressing. Even my eternally optomistic friend can't cheer me up at the moment. But knowing that I have a microwave is a much anticipated perk.
Ah well, if I could do anything in 18 days at Cornell, surely I can last a mere 7 weeks, 5 days, 2 hours and 58 minutes.
Ah well, if I could do anything in 18 days at Cornell, surely I can last a mere 7 weeks, 5 days, 2 hours and 58 minutes.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Working Girl
Well, I have finally become a productive member of society. I have officially started work at the Federal Highway Administration's Olympia Fields, IL office. The office is uber-casual, which is nice. However, the casual atmosphere has foiled my plans of rebellion. Here's what happened:
Picture it, Olympia Fields, June 5, 2005. So, there I am, at the reception desk at the Baymont Inn, ready to check-in. I had not yet received a confirmation number, but eh, what are the odds of them not having a reservation for me. Well, apparently, the odds were quite good. Upon attempting to check-in, I was told there was no such reservation for me. This, of course, after the fiasco of the retracted offer for housing in Chicago. So, I hop on my cell phone and disturb the powers that be to alert them to my situation. Turns out, they had the same problem with the other chick intern the day before. Arrgh. Oh well, at least I finally get a room.
Or so I thought. I walk into a tiny crawl space masquerading as a hotel room. The upside, there is a gigantic king size bed. The downside, the t.v. isn't working and there is no microwave which was promised to me. Therefore, I must move to a different room a mere hour later. Arrgh (again).
The chick intern and I are clearly disappointed. (The guy intern, not so much, since he had chosen to live here over Chicago). When our supervisor asked us how we felt, we politely told him of the general suckiness. So he offers to ask questions, and we say we'd appreciate that. The powers that be offer to look again, and are willing to pay for an alternative place if the other chick and I find someplace at a comparable price. Thinking this is near impossible, I think it's not likely.
Well, I was wrong. Get this, one of the original places offered to us, not only has housing, but is willing to let us move in until we no longer need to be there. Why was this not figured out BEFORE?! Yeah, if you figure out the answer to that, let us know. Anyway, I may be moving to Chicago if I can figure out how to get from the train station to my office. Here's where you can help. Where would you choose?
1. Leave your car (a very pretty Mustang) in the lot at the train station overnight. (Cost is about $1 a day). The police patrol the area at night, and will be taking information about your car and keep it on file.
2. Leave your car in Wisconsin. Take a cab to work from the train station everyday. (Cost is about $10-12 per day).
3. Stay in BFE, Illinois in aforementioned hotel room and purchase 2 meals a day everyday.
Vote is open until 11:50 a.m. tomorrow!
Picture it, Olympia Fields, June 5, 2005. So, there I am, at the reception desk at the Baymont Inn, ready to check-in. I had not yet received a confirmation number, but eh, what are the odds of them not having a reservation for me. Well, apparently, the odds were quite good. Upon attempting to check-in, I was told there was no such reservation for me. This, of course, after the fiasco of the retracted offer for housing in Chicago. So, I hop on my cell phone and disturb the powers that be to alert them to my situation. Turns out, they had the same problem with the other chick intern the day before. Arrgh. Oh well, at least I finally get a room.
Or so I thought. I walk into a tiny crawl space masquerading as a hotel room. The upside, there is a gigantic king size bed. The downside, the t.v. isn't working and there is no microwave which was promised to me. Therefore, I must move to a different room a mere hour later. Arrgh (again).
The chick intern and I are clearly disappointed. (The guy intern, not so much, since he had chosen to live here over Chicago). When our supervisor asked us how we felt, we politely told him of the general suckiness. So he offers to ask questions, and we say we'd appreciate that. The powers that be offer to look again, and are willing to pay for an alternative place if the other chick and I find someplace at a comparable price. Thinking this is near impossible, I think it's not likely.
Well, I was wrong. Get this, one of the original places offered to us, not only has housing, but is willing to let us move in until we no longer need to be there. Why was this not figured out BEFORE?! Yeah, if you figure out the answer to that, let us know. Anyway, I may be moving to Chicago if I can figure out how to get from the train station to my office. Here's where you can help. Where would you choose?
1. Leave your car (a very pretty Mustang) in the lot at the train station overnight. (Cost is about $1 a day). The police patrol the area at night, and will be taking information about your car and keep it on file.
2. Leave your car in Wisconsin. Take a cab to work from the train station everyday. (Cost is about $10-12 per day).
3. Stay in BFE, Illinois in aforementioned hotel room and purchase 2 meals a day everyday.
Vote is open until 11:50 a.m. tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Stories from Tosa
My friend Katie told me the most amazing story in the world. And by amazing, I mean psycho.
Picture it, Tosa, just outside the village, 2005. Katie is driving along minding her own business, following Amy. She is on her way home, on 68th and State. (I think). Anyway, as they are at a stop sign, Amy gets hit by a car that was driving approximately 1000 mph. Fortunately, no one is hurt. But the psycho that hit her and his equally psycho friends get out of the car.
So Katie puts her car in park and begins to get out of her car. Suddenly, every available unit of the Wauwatosa Police Department is blocking her in. They're yelling "freeze, or I'll shoot!". What would you do in this situation? I, would probably pee my pants and immediately begin to sob uncontrollably -- something about having guns pointed at you.
At this point, Amy (who had not gotten out of her car) has pulled away and is not blocked in. Katie proceeds to leave at the next available moment. When she gets home, she is naturally shaken -- but manages to triumph over parent paranoia when her mother calls. Saying that she had guns pointed at her NOT in the dangerous neighborhood she's constantly warned about; but rather in the outskirts of the Tosa village.
Anyway, Katie and Amy attempt to find out what happened by calling the police station, but whoever answered the phone didn't know. BUT! thanks to the miracle of the internet, they find out the following Monday when the WPD website is updated. Turns out, aforementioned psychos -- henceforth referred to as idiots, had just robbed the George Webb on State Street. And of course, the entirety of the WPD was needed, because they didn't have anything better to do that evening.
Picture it, Tosa, just outside the village, 2005. Katie is driving along minding her own business, following Amy. She is on her way home, on 68th and State. (I think). Anyway, as they are at a stop sign, Amy gets hit by a car that was driving approximately 1000 mph. Fortunately, no one is hurt. But the psycho that hit her and his equally psycho friends get out of the car.
So Katie puts her car in park and begins to get out of her car. Suddenly, every available unit of the Wauwatosa Police Department is blocking her in. They're yelling "freeze, or I'll shoot!". What would you do in this situation? I, would probably pee my pants and immediately begin to sob uncontrollably -- something about having guns pointed at you.
At this point, Amy (who had not gotten out of her car) has pulled away and is not blocked in. Katie proceeds to leave at the next available moment. When she gets home, she is naturally shaken -- but manages to triumph over parent paranoia when her mother calls. Saying that she had guns pointed at her NOT in the dangerous neighborhood she's constantly warned about; but rather in the outskirts of the Tosa village.
Anyway, Katie and Amy attempt to find out what happened by calling the police station, but whoever answered the phone didn't know. BUT! thanks to the miracle of the internet, they find out the following Monday when the WPD website is updated. Turns out, aforementioned psychos -- henceforth referred to as idiots, had just robbed the George Webb on State Street. And of course, the entirety of the WPD was needed, because they didn't have anything better to do that evening.
Friday, May 20, 2005
Living Single
I am single. I am angry. And it hurts to admit that I am angry, but I am. I found out what was wrong with the guy. He was sick with an inner ear infection and in Indiana. Fine. Feel free to be sick, and when you're sick, feel free to be too selfish to call and say you left the state. I can forgive all of this, when you finally get around to calling me and telling me that you are sick. Fine.
Do NOT expect me to be fine, when you tell me you're back in Madison, but you're leaving for Indiana tomorrow. In fact, less than twenty-four hours from when you called me. And don't expect me to be fine when you tell me the only reason you came back to Madison was to check your mail. And you'll be leaving as soon as you wake up. Do NOT expect me to be fine when I discover that I am not even as important as your mail.
I'm not pissed that it's over. I mean, that sucks, because I really liked him. I mean, I really liked him. And no, it does not make me feel better to know there are more fish in the sea. I don't care about the fish in the sea...up until now I liked this one. Yes I realize I deserve better. Also not the point. I am pissed because I wasn't worth the effort of an actual discussion. He didn't care to tell me that he really didn't want to be around me anymore/found me infuriating/found me ugly/whatever. No, he just left.
It's not that I was blown off. Lord knows it's happened before. And, let's be honest, we all know I did it that way too. (See post about (C)Edric below). But in every case I've been involved in, the blowing off occurred between two people who were mutually disenchanted with the relationship. It didn't occur between me and a boyfriend. And it certainly didn't happen less than a week after exchanging schmoopy text messages.
FINE. I admit it. I am pissed and hurt and I hate it. I especially hate admitting defeat. I have one last chance to give him a piece of my mind. I want my necklace back. I am going to send him an email when he gets back to Madison, and I am in Milwaukee and tell him to return it. Whether I will have to pick it up or if he will drop it in my hangfile isn't the point. I just want it back. I will not, however, give him that piece of my mind. Nothing I can say will change the situation, and he won't get the picture. In the end, I probably won't feel better because I'll be angry that I admitted that I was hurt and annoyed.
So that's the update....Hate to be so un-fun, but in real life, every once in a while, I have to admit that everything isn't rosy.
Do NOT expect me to be fine, when you tell me you're back in Madison, but you're leaving for Indiana tomorrow. In fact, less than twenty-four hours from when you called me. And don't expect me to be fine when you tell me the only reason you came back to Madison was to check your mail. And you'll be leaving as soon as you wake up. Do NOT expect me to be fine when I discover that I am not even as important as your mail.
I'm not pissed that it's over. I mean, that sucks, because I really liked him. I mean, I really liked him. And no, it does not make me feel better to know there are more fish in the sea. I don't care about the fish in the sea...up until now I liked this one. Yes I realize I deserve better. Also not the point. I am pissed because I wasn't worth the effort of an actual discussion. He didn't care to tell me that he really didn't want to be around me anymore/found me infuriating/found me ugly/whatever. No, he just left.
It's not that I was blown off. Lord knows it's happened before. And, let's be honest, we all know I did it that way too. (See post about (C)Edric below). But in every case I've been involved in, the blowing off occurred between two people who were mutually disenchanted with the relationship. It didn't occur between me and a boyfriend. And it certainly didn't happen less than a week after exchanging schmoopy text messages.
FINE. I admit it. I am pissed and hurt and I hate it. I especially hate admitting defeat. I have one last chance to give him a piece of my mind. I want my necklace back. I am going to send him an email when he gets back to Madison, and I am in Milwaukee and tell him to return it. Whether I will have to pick it up or if he will drop it in my hangfile isn't the point. I just want it back. I will not, however, give him that piece of my mind. Nothing I can say will change the situation, and he won't get the picture. In the end, I probably won't feel better because I'll be angry that I admitted that I was hurt and annoyed.
So that's the update....Hate to be so un-fun, but in real life, every once in a while, I have to admit that everything isn't rosy.
Monday, May 16, 2005
I have no update, because I'm currently involved in not doing anything at all. I am not seeing the guy because I haven't spoken to him since Thursday. He did send me a text message on Saturday saying he was sick and would call when he felt better. I'm still waiting for the call. So either (a.) he's really really sick (b.) he's dead (c.) i've been unceremoniously blown off. Feel free to vote on which you feel is most likely.
Also, I don't start work until June 6. Therefore, I am here lounging and generally not participating in activities. I did, however, FINALLY drag my arse back to the gym. I would like to point out that of all the weight I lost with W.W., I only gained 4 lbs back (yay, kinda); but I lost 7% body fat (woo hoo!). So now I'm determined to lose approximately 5% body fat and hopefully gain that 6 pack I've been wishing for since high school.
Such is the update....and the reason for lack of future blogging. (Unless, of course, something happens, in which case this blog should be disregarded).
Also, I don't start work until June 6. Therefore, I am here lounging and generally not participating in activities. I did, however, FINALLY drag my arse back to the gym. I would like to point out that of all the weight I lost with W.W., I only gained 4 lbs back (yay, kinda); but I lost 7% body fat (woo hoo!). So now I'm determined to lose approximately 5% body fat and hopefully gain that 6 pack I've been wishing for since high school.
Such is the update....and the reason for lack of future blogging. (Unless, of course, something happens, in which case this blog should be disregarded).
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Well, I went to graduation yesterday. It was your general program; complete with student speakers and a faculty speaker. Each were rather spectacular. I found the professor to be particularly entertaining when he compared the legal profession to the "oldest profession". He said:
"Well, in both of them, you deal with unsavory people and in both cases it's always better to get the money up front".
That got me to thinking. Why isn't prostitution legal? I mean really, sex is quite enjoyable for many people and it would probably be quite the lucrative industry. And frankly, if someone has to pay for sex, shouldn't he be afforded the comfort of knowing that their partner is clean and disease free? I mean really! Hmm, perhaps this is my calling. I will lobby to Congress to get prostitution legalized......or not. I mean who wants to go down in history for that? Hester Prynn maybe, but not I.
Back to graduation. It got me to thinking, wouldn't it be nice to be finished? But on the same token, wouldn't it be scary to be getting shoved into the real world? Dean Kransberger reminded the graduates during the ceremony that loan deferment is over. Clock starts ticking on 23 May 2005. Poor kids. I suppose I can put up with one more year of playing on the wireless network in exchange for not having to pay off my massive loans. *sigh*.
"Well, in both of them, you deal with unsavory people and in both cases it's always better to get the money up front".
That got me to thinking. Why isn't prostitution legal? I mean really, sex is quite enjoyable for many people and it would probably be quite the lucrative industry. And frankly, if someone has to pay for sex, shouldn't he be afforded the comfort of knowing that their partner is clean and disease free? I mean really! Hmm, perhaps this is my calling. I will lobby to Congress to get prostitution legalized......or not. I mean who wants to go down in history for that? Hester Prynn maybe, but not I.
Back to graduation. It got me to thinking, wouldn't it be nice to be finished? But on the same token, wouldn't it be scary to be getting shoved into the real world? Dean Kransberger reminded the graduates during the ceremony that loan deferment is over. Clock starts ticking on 23 May 2005. Poor kids. I suppose I can put up with one more year of playing on the wireless network in exchange for not having to pay off my massive loans. *sigh*.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
What does this mean exactly?
You're Sudan!
Every time you get a headache, you reach for some aspirin, only to
realize that someone destroyed it. That's just how things are going for you right
now... it's hard to eat, hard to sleep, hard to not have a headache. You try to
relax, but people always jump on you about something that doesn't make sense. If
you were a goat, you'd be a Nubian.
Take the Country Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid
What country were you?
Monday, May 09, 2005
Good Morning
This morning, I was awakened by the FedEx lady. She knocked bearing gifts of a Mini Ipod. YAY! However, my excitement soon waned when I realized that upon waking up I would have to begin preparing to take a massive take-home exam. This is the very take-home that I am supposed to be doing right now. Fortunately, there is a word limit for each question. Unfortunately, that word limit does not include comments I add to my blog. Drat. Wish me luck....at this rate, I'll be in the library until the wee hours of the morning :(.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
My mom says I should stop watching
So, I am watching Judge Mathis today (gimme a break, I don't have cable and Dr. Phil gets annoying), and this woman is telling a story. I don't understand, so I'm hoping someone out there can explain it to me:
"Well, I was driving from Arkansas to California. While I was passing through Iowa, my car broke down. So, being the type of person that tries to make the best out of a bad situation, I checked myself into a homeless shelter. I then began working at a nearby cafe as a waitress..."
She went on with the suit from there. Will someone please explain to me:
1. Why someone driving from Arkansas to Cali be passing through Iowa;
2. Why someone who's car broke down just decides to take up roots in the random state they were passing through.
These are things I don't understand.
On an unrelated note, I have finished my one excessively early exam, and I am now in the process of not studying for the rest of my exams. 1 down, 4 to go. *sigh*.
"Well, I was driving from Arkansas to California. While I was passing through Iowa, my car broke down. So, being the type of person that tries to make the best out of a bad situation, I checked myself into a homeless shelter. I then began working at a nearby cafe as a waitress..."
She went on with the suit from there. Will someone please explain to me:
1. Why someone driving from Arkansas to Cali be passing through Iowa;
2. Why someone who's car broke down just decides to take up roots in the random state they were passing through.
These are things I don't understand.
On an unrelated note, I have finished my one excessively early exam, and I am now in the process of not studying for the rest of my exams. 1 down, 4 to go. *sigh*.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Question of the Day
I'm just wondering, is it possible to find a decent guy on ebay? If not, where are they all hiding?
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
You Have to Kiss a Lot of Frogs
Well, I have made 3 attempts at reading the book "You Have to Kiss a Lot of Frogs", and quite frankly, in spite of my valiant efforts, it is impossible. This is utterly disappointing because this should've been a page turner. But it wasn't.
The premise of the book is that an old maid, ahem, a woman who is 35 and hasn't found "the One" is thinking about her lack of engaged status. So she's looking back over her life, and remembering all of her past dates -- mostly bad ones. Well, take it from me, her dates are not all that bad. The chapters are filled with average dates and relationships that weren't worth writing about. So I've decided to open up a forum for people to tell stories of their worst dates. Hit the comment button and have at it. Who knows? Maybe a publisher will read this and I'll finally get that book written that I've been promising....
Here's my submission: "Cedric the Entertainer"
Last year, during my first semester, I was sitting in my apartment, when there was a knock at my door. Now, no one ever just pops over to my apartment, but I figured why not answer it. Maybe it was Ed McMahon with my millions.
Naturally, it wasn't Ed McMahon. It was someone selling coupons for Papa Murphy's door-to-door. What's funny, is that I had interviewed for that very same job in Milwaukee the previous summer. What's also funny is that I told the guy this, and that the reason I didn't take the job was because I was too good for it. I now realize that it's not the nicest thing in the world to say to someone who has the job you're too good for, but it just slipped out, I swear.
Anyway, the guy turned out to be fairly witty and entertaining. He was not stunningly gorgeous, but I wasn't immediately turned off by his looks either. Now I realize, none of these are good reasons to give him my phone number when he asked for it, but I figured, what are the odds he was going to call anyway? Furthermore, I didn't believe that he'd be back in Madison anytime soon either. Boy, was I wrong.
A couple weeks later, he did call, and he was in Madison. As I was lonely and trying to get over my most recent episode in the saga that was "M", I decided to grant him the privilege of going on a date with me. He didn't have a car here in Madison, so I had to pick him up. Now, this is normally a dealbreaker, but he and his co-workers had carpooled to Madison from Milwaukee, so I forgave him this indiscretion. I also forgave him for calling after 9pm to begin our date, because he'd told me that he wouldn't be able to get together until late, after work.
I drove all the way to the east side of Madison to pick him up at the hotel where he was staying. Here begins what should've been clear omens of things to come. As I'm driving, he's giving me directions. BAD directions. I pass the last light before the Beltline. As I'm driving, I see that I am dangerously close to being on my way to the Dells. He says, "Oh, see that light you just passed, you should've turned there". What spectacular timing. But, I'm trying to be understanding, since he isn't from Madison, so I just take the nearest exit and make a U-turn.
Upon picking him up, the first words out of his mouth are "hey, it's great to see you. (Pause) I need to ask you a favor." Is this really something you should say to someone you are trying to woo and impress? NO! His favor was to take him to McDonald's and pick up food for his team; aka co-workers he was supervising. Let me remind you that it is after 9pm, and normal people eat dinner at 6pm. Let me further mention to you that this was his responsibility long before he knew that I'd be picking him up after 9pm. Why wasn't this taken care of before I got there? Furthermore, why didn't he know what they wanted before asking me to cart him around? That's right, he had no idea what everyone wanted. So when we get to the drive-thru, he calls their cell phones to take orders. Oh! But they don't answer their cell phones. Nor is he smart enough to have the hotel number, so he can't call their rooms. I suggest he calls information, and his response is "But that's $1.25!!". Excuse me?! You won't call information because it's $1.25 but you expect me to drive you all the way back to the hotel so you can ask them what they want?!? And yet, out of the goodness of my heart (or because I like self-torture) I continue the date nonetheless and drive him back to the hotel.
Turns out, it doesn't matter anyway, because McDonald's is closed. BECAUSE IT'S AFTER 9pm ON A TUESDAY YOU MORON!! So, I drive him back to the hotel, (with gritted teeth), and he goes upstairs to ask everyone if they want pizza. While he's in there, I call my good friend Mike, and ask him for the emergency boyfriend call. When Mr. Wonderful gets back to the car, he calls the other team-leader, and asks him to pick up food for his team from Taco Bell. I'm not joking. He does this after I've already carted him to McDonald's and back. I'm on the verge of shooting him, but I remember that they tend not to let murderers into the Bar.
We decide to complete our date (if you can call it that) at Denny's. Because that's the only restaurant nearby that is still open. I order something light, french fries I think. So, Mike calls (thank heavens) and makes loud references to me getting home and he misses me, and yada yada yada. I don't think it was actually loud enough for Mr. Wonderful to hear, but he does hear me refer to being out with Cedric. When I get off the phone, he asks "Who's Cedric?". So I look at him blankly, and ask "Aren't you Cedric?". You'll never guess what the answer is. His answer is "No, my name is Edric". Ok, frankly, I've never heard of the name Edric (and I was only vaguely apologetic), but it doesn't really matter, as this guy has a snowball's chance in hell of getting a 2nd date.
I finally take him back to the hotel, and he asks for a hug. And no, he wasn't joking. He tells me the ladylike thing to do would be to walk him to the hotel door. I consider telling him that the ladylike thing to do is to continue to restrain myself from physical violence. Instead I tell him that I will be doing no such thing, and to please exit my car immediately. He insists on a hug, standing outside of the car. I oblige and then get in the car and peel off as quickly as possible, doors locked.
Would you believe he had the audacity to call me after that? Yes, yes he did. No, no I did not answer. He called maybe 3 months later, and left me a message asking if he could stop by, because he and his friends would be in Madison. I distinctly remember yelling at my phone that he may categorically NOT stop by, and why in the hell does he remember where I live?! I never got the chance to find out the answer to that question, because I only keep his number to remember which call not to answer. And thus ends the story of my worst date ever.
What's yours?!
The premise of the book is that an old maid, ahem, a woman who is 35 and hasn't found "the One" is thinking about her lack of engaged status. So she's looking back over her life, and remembering all of her past dates -- mostly bad ones. Well, take it from me, her dates are not all that bad. The chapters are filled with average dates and relationships that weren't worth writing about. So I've decided to open up a forum for people to tell stories of their worst dates. Hit the comment button and have at it. Who knows? Maybe a publisher will read this and I'll finally get that book written that I've been promising....
Here's my submission: "Cedric the Entertainer"
Last year, during my first semester, I was sitting in my apartment, when there was a knock at my door. Now, no one ever just pops over to my apartment, but I figured why not answer it. Maybe it was Ed McMahon with my millions.
Naturally, it wasn't Ed McMahon. It was someone selling coupons for Papa Murphy's door-to-door. What's funny, is that I had interviewed for that very same job in Milwaukee the previous summer. What's also funny is that I told the guy this, and that the reason I didn't take the job was because I was too good for it. I now realize that it's not the nicest thing in the world to say to someone who has the job you're too good for, but it just slipped out, I swear.
Anyway, the guy turned out to be fairly witty and entertaining. He was not stunningly gorgeous, but I wasn't immediately turned off by his looks either. Now I realize, none of these are good reasons to give him my phone number when he asked for it, but I figured, what are the odds he was going to call anyway? Furthermore, I didn't believe that he'd be back in Madison anytime soon either. Boy, was I wrong.
A couple weeks later, he did call, and he was in Madison. As I was lonely and trying to get over my most recent episode in the saga that was "M", I decided to grant him the privilege of going on a date with me. He didn't have a car here in Madison, so I had to pick him up. Now, this is normally a dealbreaker, but he and his co-workers had carpooled to Madison from Milwaukee, so I forgave him this indiscretion. I also forgave him for calling after 9pm to begin our date, because he'd told me that he wouldn't be able to get together until late, after work.
I drove all the way to the east side of Madison to pick him up at the hotel where he was staying. Here begins what should've been clear omens of things to come. As I'm driving, he's giving me directions. BAD directions. I pass the last light before the Beltline. As I'm driving, I see that I am dangerously close to being on my way to the Dells. He says, "Oh, see that light you just passed, you should've turned there". What spectacular timing. But, I'm trying to be understanding, since he isn't from Madison, so I just take the nearest exit and make a U-turn.
Upon picking him up, the first words out of his mouth are "hey, it's great to see you. (Pause) I need to ask you a favor." Is this really something you should say to someone you are trying to woo and impress? NO! His favor was to take him to McDonald's and pick up food for his team; aka co-workers he was supervising. Let me remind you that it is after 9pm, and normal people eat dinner at 6pm. Let me further mention to you that this was his responsibility long before he knew that I'd be picking him up after 9pm. Why wasn't this taken care of before I got there? Furthermore, why didn't he know what they wanted before asking me to cart him around? That's right, he had no idea what everyone wanted. So when we get to the drive-thru, he calls their cell phones to take orders. Oh! But they don't answer their cell phones. Nor is he smart enough to have the hotel number, so he can't call their rooms. I suggest he calls information, and his response is "But that's $1.25!!". Excuse me?! You won't call information because it's $1.25 but you expect me to drive you all the way back to the hotel so you can ask them what they want?!? And yet, out of the goodness of my heart (or because I like self-torture) I continue the date nonetheless and drive him back to the hotel.
Turns out, it doesn't matter anyway, because McDonald's is closed. BECAUSE IT'S AFTER 9pm ON A TUESDAY YOU MORON!! So, I drive him back to the hotel, (with gritted teeth), and he goes upstairs to ask everyone if they want pizza. While he's in there, I call my good friend Mike, and ask him for the emergency boyfriend call. When Mr. Wonderful gets back to the car, he calls the other team-leader, and asks him to pick up food for his team from Taco Bell. I'm not joking. He does this after I've already carted him to McDonald's and back. I'm on the verge of shooting him, but I remember that they tend not to let murderers into the Bar.
We decide to complete our date (if you can call it that) at Denny's. Because that's the only restaurant nearby that is still open. I order something light, french fries I think. So, Mike calls (thank heavens) and makes loud references to me getting home and he misses me, and yada yada yada. I don't think it was actually loud enough for Mr. Wonderful to hear, but he does hear me refer to being out with Cedric. When I get off the phone, he asks "Who's Cedric?". So I look at him blankly, and ask "Aren't you Cedric?". You'll never guess what the answer is. His answer is "No, my name is Edric". Ok, frankly, I've never heard of the name Edric (and I was only vaguely apologetic), but it doesn't really matter, as this guy has a snowball's chance in hell of getting a 2nd date.
I finally take him back to the hotel, and he asks for a hug. And no, he wasn't joking. He tells me the ladylike thing to do would be to walk him to the hotel door. I consider telling him that the ladylike thing to do is to continue to restrain myself from physical violence. Instead I tell him that I will be doing no such thing, and to please exit my car immediately. He insists on a hug, standing outside of the car. I oblige and then get in the car and peel off as quickly as possible, doors locked.
Would you believe he had the audacity to call me after that? Yes, yes he did. No, no I did not answer. He called maybe 3 months later, and left me a message asking if he could stop by, because he and his friends would be in Madison. I distinctly remember yelling at my phone that he may categorically NOT stop by, and why in the hell does he remember where I live?! I never got the chance to find out the answer to that question, because I only keep his number to remember which call not to answer. And thus ends the story of my worst date ever.
What's yours?!
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Did ya hear? KT is pregnant, by a guy they call Ogre.....wonder if it's a boy or girl!?!? :-P
Well, I didn't make the moot court board. The downside is, that's just one more thing I'm not good enough for (as if I needed the list to be longer). The upside is, I don't have to be on moot court next year. The other upside is, I got to wear my suit again. Yay!
Trusts and Estates exam is in T minus 6 days. *sigh*. Drinking will commence at 11:01 a.m. on April 30. Approximately 60 seconds after the exam time is done.
Trusts and Estates exam is in T minus 6 days. *sigh*. Drinking will commence at 11:01 a.m. on April 30. Approximately 60 seconds after the exam time is done.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
To Shuffle or to Control, Inner Shopping Desires of a Control Freak
I am sitting in Trusts & Estates class right now. Yes, right now, at this very moment, I am blogging while my professor drones on and on about how people should write wills. Please, I beg you, go write out a will today, a PROPER will, so that future law students will not have to live through this torture.
But anyway, I am currently debating the pros and cons of purchasing an Ipod Shuffle vs. an Ipod Mini. Several people have chimed in their opinions, feel free to leave your comments as well. Basically, I am trying to decide if I can truly be satisfied playing all the songs I enter into the shuffle in either random play or the order I put them in. Or, alternatively, should I pay twice as much for pretty colors and full control over what songs I listen to and when. Hmmm....dilemmas, dilemmas. On the up side, it's nice to have a tax refund to spend in this manner.
In other news, I am still dating someone, I still have a job, and I am still sick of school. Let the record show that my classes officially end on April 27. Want to know how nice my Trusts & Estates professor is? He's so nice that he scheduled his exam for April 30. That's 3 days. And incidentally, a week from Saturday. WHAT?! How exactly am I supposed to learn a semester's worth of material in a week....hmm, suddenly blogging during this class doesn't seem like such a good idea.
Oh, and this Saturday, I will be trying out for moot court....basically because I don't have enough work to do. Wish me luck!
But anyway, I am currently debating the pros and cons of purchasing an Ipod Shuffle vs. an Ipod Mini. Several people have chimed in their opinions, feel free to leave your comments as well. Basically, I am trying to decide if I can truly be satisfied playing all the songs I enter into the shuffle in either random play or the order I put them in. Or, alternatively, should I pay twice as much for pretty colors and full control over what songs I listen to and when. Hmmm....dilemmas, dilemmas. On the up side, it's nice to have a tax refund to spend in this manner.
In other news, I am still dating someone, I still have a job, and I am still sick of school. Let the record show that my classes officially end on April 27. Want to know how nice my Trusts & Estates professor is? He's so nice that he scheduled his exam for April 30. That's 3 days. And incidentally, a week from Saturday. WHAT?! How exactly am I supposed to learn a semester's worth of material in a week....hmm, suddenly blogging during this class doesn't seem like such a good idea.
Oh, and this Saturday, I will be trying out for moot court....basically because I don't have enough work to do. Wish me luck!
Thursday, April 14, 2005
The LEO Banquet
The LEO (Legal Educational Opportunities) banquet was last week. LEO is the umbrella group for all of the minority groups on campus. This year, BLSA (Black Law Students Association) hosted. I was a part of the banquet committee. Naturally, I was in charge of the menu. We decided to have Jerk chicken, sweet potatos, Ethiopian greens, Dirty rice, and sweet tea (yucky to the sweet tea). The program itself was super-hot. We had Justice Butler (the first black Justice on the WI Supreme Court EVER) as our speaker. There was "interpretative dance" by a Praise Dance team; and a keyboard player during cocktail hour. Let's just say, BLSA knows how to throw a party.
Before the banquet, that morning in fact, I tried on the outfit I'd been planning to wear for weeks. As I looked in the mirror, my first thought was "I CANNOT be serious". There's no way in the world I could actually wear the ensemble in public. And so, I high-tailed it to Marshall Fields to find a dress. Have you ever attempted to find a dress for a function the same day as the function? For the record, I do NOT recommend it. But that day, the Goddess of Shopping smiled on me, and so I was not only able to find a lover-ly dress, but it was found in the depths of the Clearance Rack. YAY!!!!
Anyway, after the banquet, the after-party was held at the very small Cafe Montmatre. An attorney I met over the summer (who shall remain nameless) was there with his girlfriend. I was quite surprised to find out he had a girlfriend, as I'd been plotting ways to ask him out all summer. I'd promptly developed a crush on him after I met him. He was so cute!
Anyway, I was there with my own personal cutie; and that was fun. He was being highly uncooperative and refused photographs. Further pictures will have to wait until I come up with a plan that is sly like the jungle cat.
Before the banquet, that morning in fact, I tried on the outfit I'd been planning to wear for weeks. As I looked in the mirror, my first thought was "I CANNOT be serious". There's no way in the world I could actually wear the ensemble in public. And so, I high-tailed it to Marshall Fields to find a dress. Have you ever attempted to find a dress for a function the same day as the function? For the record, I do NOT recommend it. But that day, the Goddess of Shopping smiled on me, and so I was not only able to find a lover-ly dress, but it was found in the depths of the Clearance Rack. YAY!!!!
Anyway, after the banquet, the after-party was held at the very small Cafe Montmatre. An attorney I met over the summer (who shall remain nameless) was there with his girlfriend. I was quite surprised to find out he had a girlfriend, as I'd been plotting ways to ask him out all summer. I'd promptly developed a crush on him after I met him. He was so cute!
Anyway, I was there with my own personal cutie; and that was fun. He was being highly uncooperative and refused photographs. Further pictures will have to wait until I come up with a plan that is sly like the jungle cat.
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Barrister's Ball
Last night was Barrister's Ball, AKA Law School Prom. It's a night for law students to get together (because we don't see each other enough) and drink beer and wine (because we don't drink enough) and eat yummy appetizers. Really, the only reason for anyone (and by anyone, I mean women) to get excited for the event is because it gives us an excuse to get all dressed up. (See pictures below).

Israel's beer closet -- and this doesn't even include the liquor! When I grow up, I'm going to be like Israel.
Posted by Hello
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
God is good, Life is good
Heck yeah life is good! As of Monday, I have a paying job WOO HOO!! I will be employed with the Federal Department of Transportation, in the Illinois office. Want to know why this job is badazz? Ok, I'll tell you:
1. They pay me to work for them.
2. They pay for my housing.
3. It's in Chi-town or a suburb of Chi-town with a mall.
(Insert dance of joy here).
Life is also good because I am officially dating someone. WOO HOO again! Just when I thought the last saga I lived through would also be my final saga, just when I was fraught with despair, along comes the sweetest guy in the world. As this is a public blog, I am withholding all other information. If you want to know more, you'll just have to ask me personally :). Suffice it to say that he is:
1. Literally, the sweetest guy I've ever dated.
2. Uber-cute (not that looks are everything, of course)
3. Definitely a major smart-arse (which is the ultimate redeeming quality).
So, life is good. Except for the part where I have two (2) papers due next Tuesday. But hopefully I'm making a mountain out of a molehill. Wish me luck friends!
1. They pay me to work for them.
2. They pay for my housing.
3. It's in Chi-town or a suburb of Chi-town with a mall.
(Insert dance of joy here).
Life is also good because I am officially dating someone. WOO HOO again! Just when I thought the last saga I lived through would also be my final saga, just when I was fraught with despair, along comes the sweetest guy in the world. As this is a public blog, I am withholding all other information. If you want to know more, you'll just have to ask me personally :). Suffice it to say that he is:
1. Literally, the sweetest guy I've ever dated.
2. Uber-cute (not that looks are everything, of course)
3. Definitely a major smart-arse (which is the ultimate redeeming quality).
So, life is good. Except for the part where I have two (2) papers due next Tuesday. But hopefully I'm making a mountain out of a molehill. Wish me luck friends!
Thursday, February 24, 2005
In an effort to end queries about my lack of blogging, here is an update. As of right now, I doubt my life is truly thrilling enough for anyone to want to read about with any consistency. (My current saga with a new cutie-pie boy notwithstanding, but I can't blog that -- I'm trying to keep it a secret...shhh!). So, until further notice, I will not be updating my blog. I will, however, be leaving it up because I plan to use the stories in my soon-to-be fabulous scrapbook. Maybe I'll have something thrilling to talk about in a few weeks when I've finalized my job placement (crossing fingers here), but until then -- no promises!
Friday, January 21, 2005

The Royal Gardens at the Grand Palace had some beautiful bonzai trees and sculpted bushes. (13 Jan 05)
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Thursday, January 20, 2005

Changing of the Guard. I missed it in England, so it was nifty to see it in Thailand.
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This is where I normally stay, but there was construction (wink wink). The Grand Palace in Bangkok. (13 Jan 05)
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Top Ten Reasons to go to Bangkok to study Comparative Corporate Governance
10. It's a free trip to Bangkok
9. To hear Pro. Jo. sing karaoke
8. To sing "Piano Man" as it was meant to be sung -- by a drunken mob
7. To fly into Tokyo and see the sights of Japan
6. To eat dinner at a Yacht Club, because you were stranded in bungalows, because your yacht wasn't ready yet.
5. It's a free trip to Bangkok
4. To fly the International Flag of Good Times
3. To bond with fellow law students in times of ridiculousness
2. To see flying bananas and darts
1. To meet fantastic Thai students
This list is neither final nor exhaustive. Suggestions and additions welcome!!
9. To hear Pro. Jo. sing karaoke
8. To sing "Piano Man" as it was meant to be sung -- by a drunken mob
7. To fly into Tokyo and see the sights of Japan
6. To eat dinner at a Yacht Club, because you were stranded in bungalows, because your yacht wasn't ready yet.
5. It's a free trip to Bangkok
4. To fly the International Flag of Good Times
3. To bond with fellow law students in times of ridiculousness
2. To see flying bananas and darts
1. To meet fantastic Thai students
This list is neither final nor exhaustive. Suggestions and additions welcome!!
Sunday, January 16, 2005

"The International Flag of Good Times" as named by Dave. Again I ask, why is my swimsuit top flying at the top of the mast?
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
This is just another filler paragraph to break up the monotony of watching the pictures download.
I woke up at 8:09 a.m. today. It is now 11:30 a.m. and I can hardly keep my eyes open. The time change is definitely much rougher to adjust to coming home than it was going there. Oh well, being up all night tonight just means that I will be the life of the party at the club tonight!
I woke up at 8:09 a.m. today. It is now 11:30 a.m. and I can hardly keep my eyes open. The time change is definitely much rougher to adjust to coming home than it was going there. Oh well, being up all night tonight just means that I will be the life of the party at the club tonight!
This may very well be the most entertaing story of all. 2 of the guys decided to spear us some dinner. So they found big sticks on the island (Koh Horseshoe) and used athletic tape to attach forks to the end. They proceeded to attempt to spear some fish. In the end, all they got was stung by jellyfish.
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A sunset picture with some local flavor. This is just one of the many fishing boats we saw.
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Sunset at "Koh Big". We couldn't pronounce the names of the different islands, so we renamed them in typical American style. This is the first night on the yacht. 7 Jan 05.
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Something to read while the pics download
In the interest of giving you something to read while the pictures download, allow me to finish the tuk-tuk story. Now, after the day I missed the boat, I didn't think I'd take a tuk-tuk ever again. I was wrong.
The next day, Randy, Mandy and I were going to meet Thai students Champ and Toh at the school so they could take us to the Grand Palace. Randy and Mandy talked me into taking a tuk-tuk because Randy has a bad knee and we were running late. So we get in a tuk-tuk on Khoasarn Road. What's kind of funny about that the tuk-tuk started having mechanical difficulties about 1 block away. The driver asked one of his buddies to to take us. So we hop in the next tuk-tuk. This driver has no idea where Thammasat University is. (At least he admitted it). So he shows us a map, and asks us to point to where we're going. I say we're going to the Grand Palace and point to it (the University is about a block away from the Palace). So, the driver says "No, Grand Palace no good. Is closed today. I will take you to a temple." Would you believe he refused to take us to the Grand Palace which was NOT closed. So we ended up getting out and walking.
We also ended up being late, but so were the Thai students. We shoulda known, because nothing had been ontime since we'd gotten to Bangkok. The rest of the day was great. Definitely check out the pictures!
The next day, Randy, Mandy and I were going to meet Thai students Champ and Toh at the school so they could take us to the Grand Palace. Randy and Mandy talked me into taking a tuk-tuk because Randy has a bad knee and we were running late. So we get in a tuk-tuk on Khoasarn Road. What's kind of funny about that the tuk-tuk started having mechanical difficulties about 1 block away. The driver asked one of his buddies to to take us. So we hop in the next tuk-tuk. This driver has no idea where Thammasat University is. (At least he admitted it). So he shows us a map, and asks us to point to where we're going. I say we're going to the Grand Palace and point to it (the University is about a block away from the Palace). So, the driver says "No, Grand Palace no good. Is closed today. I will take you to a temple." Would you believe he refused to take us to the Grand Palace which was NOT closed. So we ended up getting out and walking.
We also ended up being late, but so were the Thai students. We shoulda known, because nothing had been ontime since we'd gotten to Bangkok. The rest of the day was great. Definitely check out the pictures!
Friday, January 14, 2005

This is the view from behind our classroom at the Learning Resort. See? I said classroom. Yes I did go to class. (4-8 Jan 2005)
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The guy in the middle is Jade, one of the Thai students. He actually paid to get a polaroid of this picture. The whole show was like a car accident -- I just couldn't look away or stop taking pictures.
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This is the view from my balcony at the Learning Resort. Aahh, life is good! (4 Jan 2005).
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Bangkok Nights. This a picture of Khoasarn Road at night. Where our hotel was. See the electric blue oval? Ok, I was on that side of the strip, about a block from where this picture was taken. Very cool. It looked like this every night. Very busy, very polluted, very crowded, very fun.
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"The Red One". AKA the temple I attempted to see, but didn't, because everybody in the Tokyo metro area got there first. I did, however, miss my bus. Grr again. (3 Jan 2005)
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Back to Reality
Hi all,
I am back in Mil-town. Sad times for being far far away from lovely weather. Hooray for finally being able to get some pizza. And for being off that darned plane. And no, I didn't get footies or peanuts.
Now that I am back on my own turf, I will be officially posting pictures. Happy looking!
I am back in Mil-town. Sad times for being far far away from lovely weather. Hooray for finally being able to get some pizza. And for being off that darned plane. And no, I didn't get footies or peanuts.
Now that I am back on my own turf, I will be officially posting pictures. Happy looking!
Near Death, Near Miss, Great Story
Well, if the chicken story wasn't scary enough for you, allow me to describe the experience of riding a "tuk-tuk". A tuk-tuk is a scooter that rides anywhere from 3-190283019 people. No, it does not get bigger, people just sit closer together. There is a driver and a backseat.
Anyway, riding the tuk-tuk is very scary, because they weave in and out of traffic, and it is basically open air. The tuk-tuk is just like a scooter--you're not surrounded by much metal. These drivers would make a NY taxi cab driver look like driving miss daisy. On Thursday night, the Thai students and faculty threw us a farewell party on a river boat. Dave, Jennie and I decided to take a tuk-tuk to the University. Although in walking distance, traffic makes crossing the street a live game of frogger. What should've been a 5 minute ride turned into a 40 minute saga of the driver being lost (and denying it. Typical male). We ended up missing the boat entirely.
We raced to the boat dock, in hopes of some sort of miracle. There was one. The boat had left, but there were kind Thai students with a cell phone and who spoke English! They called Pik (one of the Thai students on the boat) and Pik gave them directions to hail us a cab so we could attempt to catch the boat at the halfway dock. (Thank goodness Jennie had Pik's number!!!). So we hop in a cab. Thanks to Bangkok traffic (which, by the way, I've come to loathe), the ride was another 40 minutes. We just barely made the boarding time for the 2nd leg of the trip.
I'll tell you, I'll be darned if I ever set foot in another tuk-tuk again. Or so I thought....More to follow. Right now, the timer is counting down on the airport computer. I'll be in Chicago in 15 hours!! And I'd darn well better be arriving with peanuts and footies. See you across the Date line.
Anyway, riding the tuk-tuk is very scary, because they weave in and out of traffic, and it is basically open air. The tuk-tuk is just like a scooter--you're not surrounded by much metal. These drivers would make a NY taxi cab driver look like driving miss daisy. On Thursday night, the Thai students and faculty threw us a farewell party on a river boat. Dave, Jennie and I decided to take a tuk-tuk to the University. Although in walking distance, traffic makes crossing the street a live game of frogger. What should've been a 5 minute ride turned into a 40 minute saga of the driver being lost (and denying it. Typical male). We ended up missing the boat entirely.
We raced to the boat dock, in hopes of some sort of miracle. There was one. The boat had left, but there were kind Thai students with a cell phone and who spoke English! They called Pik (one of the Thai students on the boat) and Pik gave them directions to hail us a cab so we could attempt to catch the boat at the halfway dock. (Thank goodness Jennie had Pik's number!!!). So we hop in a cab. Thanks to Bangkok traffic (which, by the way, I've come to loathe), the ride was another 40 minutes. We just barely made the boarding time for the 2nd leg of the trip.
I'll tell you, I'll be darned if I ever set foot in another tuk-tuk again. Or so I thought....More to follow. Right now, the timer is counting down on the airport computer. I'll be in Chicago in 15 hours!! And I'd darn well better be arriving with peanuts and footies. See you across the Date line.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Good Times
Ahh, back to the real world -- well as real as the world can get when you're halfway around the world. We started class again today. After I gave a riveting presentation on Significant Corporate Actions we had a buffet lunch served to us here in the Thammasat University campus court yard. It was pretty good. MUCH better than the food at the learning resort. I've officially decided that catered Thai food is equally as bad as catered American food. Good, now I don't have to come back to the states and discuss how bad the Thai food was. Instead, I can talk about how good the Thai food was, and how bad the catered food is all over the world. Although, I do have some warnings about the Thai food:
Ok, enough about the food. I'll bet you're dying to hear more about the yacht trip. Well, as it was my first time on a yacht; it was fairly fantastic. Except I don't swim. So I was bored out of my mind on the last day. You can only take so much of watching other people snorkel. And I don't tan either, so I had my share of being baked on the beach the first couple days. So honestly, I was not a happy camper on the 3.5 and 4th days. But, what are you gonna do? Swim home? Ok then.
The views were rather spectacular, and the beaches were very pretty. (Still working on the pictures. I have one more computer lab to try before I give up). It was also kinda neat to live on a boat. It was like camping, minus the wide open spaces. Inside the cabin of the boat was not meant for a claustrophbic. We 8 students took our relationships to a whole new level once we figured out the sleeping arrangements. Since we were actually on a 3 cabin boat (i.e. sleeps 6 people), we had to use the galley table as a bed. Don't worry, it was meant to be used like that. Except for the fact that it was put together incorrectly. Making raising and lowering the darn thing quite a challenge. As was figuring out which cushions went where. That was my bed, and on the upside, it was the biggest bed on the whole boat. And therefore worth the trouble. Dave, our captain and sailing enthusiast (he has a sailboat back in Mad-town, and used to sell them for a living pre-law school) opted to sleep on deck, under the stars. So I had the bed to myself 1 night. Yay!
We took PB&J sandwiches with us on the boat, and some lunch meat. Grocery shopping in Thailand was quite the adventure. As was purchasing some fish from a fisherman who happened to be docked on the beach on the third day. Which we later cooked on the grill on the deck of the boat. Fortunately, Quentin had also purchased some semi-ripe coconuts on the previous island. Here's our Gilligan's Island recipe for Red Snapper and a gigantic Reef fish:
Our final adventure (and most dangerous) turned out to be on the ride home. We rode in a van which seats 11. We nearly died at least a million times. The driving in Thailand is...harrowing to say the least. The speed limit is somewhere near 1000 miles per hour. The lines drawn to indicate lanes are just suggestions. Oh, and yes it is ok to pull over and stop in the middle of the far left lane (they drive on the opposite side here). We also pulled over and stopped in the white striped part between an on ramp and the freeway. We also played chicken with a bus. For those of you that don't know, that's when a bus is coming at you and you keep going to see who the first to pull over is. Like I said, it was scary.
So that's it for now, as this is getting pretty long.
1. They eat some things that we don't. For example, today, we had squid soup as
an option. No I did not try it, and no I do not regret not trying it.
There must be some sort of moral opposition to using knives. Instead they cut
with spoons here, and this is a habit that runs rampant in restaurants and homes
throughout Thailand. I think we should start a petition to change this; as I
have no idea how they manage to cut things with a spoon. Yes a spoon. I saw it
with my own eyes and I still don't believe it. Maybe Ripley's should capture
this on tape.
3. Speaking of the spoons, they are gigantic. Ok, not
gigantic. Just picture eating your food with a serving spoon. And there you go.
That is eating in Thailand. All meals, all the time. Yeah. You get a serving
spoon and a fork with every meal. Sometimes, you get the fancy-schmancy butter
knife in restaurants. And that's it. For the love of pete does anyone have a
steak knife they can send me? A butcher knife? A letter opener? SOMETHING!!!
Ok, enough about the food. I'll bet you're dying to hear more about the yacht trip. Well, as it was my first time on a yacht; it was fairly fantastic. Except I don't swim. So I was bored out of my mind on the last day. You can only take so much of watching other people snorkel. And I don't tan either, so I had my share of being baked on the beach the first couple days. So honestly, I was not a happy camper on the 3.5 and 4th days. But, what are you gonna do? Swim home? Ok then.
The views were rather spectacular, and the beaches were very pretty. (Still working on the pictures. I have one more computer lab to try before I give up). It was also kinda neat to live on a boat. It was like camping, minus the wide open spaces. Inside the cabin of the boat was not meant for a claustrophbic. We 8 students took our relationships to a whole new level once we figured out the sleeping arrangements. Since we were actually on a 3 cabin boat (i.e. sleeps 6 people), we had to use the galley table as a bed. Don't worry, it was meant to be used like that. Except for the fact that it was put together incorrectly. Making raising and lowering the darn thing quite a challenge. As was figuring out which cushions went where. That was my bed, and on the upside, it was the biggest bed on the whole boat. And therefore worth the trouble. Dave, our captain and sailing enthusiast (he has a sailboat back in Mad-town, and used to sell them for a living pre-law school) opted to sleep on deck, under the stars. So I had the bed to myself 1 night. Yay!
We took PB&J sandwiches with us on the boat, and some lunch meat. Grocery shopping in Thailand was quite the adventure. As was purchasing some fish from a fisherman who happened to be docked on the beach on the third day. Which we later cooked on the grill on the deck of the boat. Fortunately, Quentin had also purchased some semi-ripe coconuts on the previous island. Here's our Gilligan's Island recipe for Red Snapper and a gigantic Reef fish:
1. fillet fish.
2. in the pan mix butter, rum, and coconut milk from a semi-ripe
coconut that you actually bought to be a beverage.
3. sautee fish in the pan holding it over the grill
4. enjoy.
Our final adventure (and most dangerous) turned out to be on the ride home. We rode in a van which seats 11. We nearly died at least a million times. The driving in Thailand is...harrowing to say the least. The speed limit is somewhere near 1000 miles per hour. The lines drawn to indicate lanes are just suggestions. Oh, and yes it is ok to pull over and stop in the middle of the far left lane (they drive on the opposite side here). We also pulled over and stopped in the white striped part between an on ramp and the freeway. We also played chicken with a bus. For those of you that don't know, that's when a bus is coming at you and you keep going to see who the first to pull over is. Like I said, it was scary.
So that's it for now, as this is getting pretty long.
Monday, January 10, 2005
Summer in the City....well Winter in an equatorial city
Hi Friends!
Guess who's back from the Sea of Thailand, f.k.a. the Sea of Siam. (The name of Thailand used to be Siam). The beaches were simply incredible...and simply deserted. If you happen to be into swimming and laying on the beach, then this trip was for you. If you are adamently opposed to living in extremely close quarters with 5 men and 2 other women, then you should absolutely NOT rent a 42-foot yacht with 7 of your classmates, and then sail around islands in a tropical sea.
Our trip started off a bit rocky, however. First, our yacht wasn't ready yet. So we were forced to live in these cute little bungalows, which cost about $13. THEN, we lost the phone number of the van driver, and so we had no way to get to the nearby city. So we were once again forced to walk to a nearby upscale hotel/condo (one where you could go for 6 months without seeing anyone, because the people that own the condos live in Bangkok and vacation on the marina). Once at the hotel, we had to eat wonderfully delicious food at the yacht club. While lamenting over the necessity of eating at a yacht club, and staying in a bungalow because our yacht wasn't ready yet; I was interrupted by FIREWORKS!! What a great start to a lovely 4 day weekend.
I'm working on the pictures. It's late here, so I'll sign off for now. More about the weekend to follow...hopefully with graphics. Keep the comments coming, and don't forget to sign them! :)
Guess who's back from the Sea of Thailand, f.k.a. the Sea of Siam. (The name of Thailand used to be Siam). The beaches were simply incredible...and simply deserted. If you happen to be into swimming and laying on the beach, then this trip was for you. If you are adamently opposed to living in extremely close quarters with 5 men and 2 other women, then you should absolutely NOT rent a 42-foot yacht with 7 of your classmates, and then sail around islands in a tropical sea.
Our trip started off a bit rocky, however. First, our yacht wasn't ready yet. So we were forced to live in these cute little bungalows, which cost about $13. THEN, we lost the phone number of the van driver, and so we had no way to get to the nearby city. So we were once again forced to walk to a nearby upscale hotel/condo (one where you could go for 6 months without seeing anyone, because the people that own the condos live in Bangkok and vacation on the marina). Once at the hotel, we had to eat wonderfully delicious food at the yacht club. While lamenting over the necessity of eating at a yacht club, and staying in a bungalow because our yacht wasn't ready yet; I was interrupted by FIREWORKS!! What a great start to a lovely 4 day weekend.
I'm working on the pictures. It's late here, so I'll sign off for now. More about the weekend to follow...hopefully with graphics. Keep the comments coming, and don't forget to sign them! :)
Thursday, January 06, 2005
I will definitely not be posting for the next four days. We're renting a 40ft yacht to cruise around the islands in the Siam Sea. How awesome is that?!!?
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Picture Free :(
Well friends, I am sorry to report that while I am in Pattaya, Thailand, there will be no posting of pictures. I have attempted (unsuccessfully) to download the program that puts pictures onto my blog; but alas, the 4 year old computres here at the Learning Resort are not cooperating.
The upside is, I am at a "Learning Resort". Which is basically a regular resort with a classroom. There are palm trees, a swimming pool and helpful staff all around. Apparently, some rich benefactor opted to leave an obscene amount of money to Thammasat University. And so, here we are, living it up in a resort (complete with meals and beverages) for free for 3 days and 2 nights. Oh! Woe is me :).
The downside is, I am not a big fan of the food. Thai food is not for the picky eater. All the meals are served with rice though, so fear not! I am getting all the carbs I can eat. The other downside is that thanks to the loverly snowstorm in Tokyo, I have a cold. Being in a tropical paradise just isn't the same when you're hacking up a lung. D'ah well. I guess I'll just have to "suffer" through. :).
Last night we sang (badly) to karaoke songs in the dining hall. There are pictures (hmm, maybe it's good I can't get the program to download). Tonight, we'll be heading into town (the resort is 500 miles away from everything) to watch a cabaret. The director of the program told us that this cabaret show features the best looking "women" in Thailand. Ahem, a drag show. I'm afraid I might get jealous. Who wouldn't hate to see a man make a better woman?!
We return to Bangkok tomorrow afternoon. Where I hope to have more stories, and more general ridiculousness. We'll even try to have some pictures up -- no guarantees though. Keep sending those comments!
The upside is, I am at a "Learning Resort". Which is basically a regular resort with a classroom. There are palm trees, a swimming pool and helpful staff all around. Apparently, some rich benefactor opted to leave an obscene amount of money to Thammasat University. And so, here we are, living it up in a resort (complete with meals and beverages) for free for 3 days and 2 nights. Oh! Woe is me :).
The downside is, I am not a big fan of the food. Thai food is not for the picky eater. All the meals are served with rice though, so fear not! I am getting all the carbs I can eat. The other downside is that thanks to the loverly snowstorm in Tokyo, I have a cold. Being in a tropical paradise just isn't the same when you're hacking up a lung. D'ah well. I guess I'll just have to "suffer" through. :).
Last night we sang (badly) to karaoke songs in the dining hall. There are pictures (hmm, maybe it's good I can't get the program to download). Tonight, we'll be heading into town (the resort is 500 miles away from everything) to watch a cabaret. The director of the program told us that this cabaret show features the best looking "women" in Thailand. Ahem, a drag show. I'm afraid I might get jealous. Who wouldn't hate to see a man make a better woman?!
We return to Bangkok tomorrow afternoon. Where I hope to have more stories, and more general ridiculousness. We'll even try to have some pictures up -- no guarantees though. Keep sending those comments!
Monday, January 03, 2005
Bangkok, Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand is hot! Loving the 90 degree weather, which did not come with free bugs!
The airplane ride was loooooooooooong. Felt much longer than the last one. Probably because I boarded the plane after a harrowing day which included missing my bus to the airport. This particular bus was supposed to leave at 12:40. After a "series of unfortunate events" I arrived at the hotel at 12:43. April, her sisters and I attempted to see a shrine in Tokyo. (I generally referred to it as "The Red One"). Sadly, everyone else in Tokyo had the exact same idea. This caused a rather body-to-body crowd which had a tendency not to move quickly. Thus making it impossible for me to actually get close to the temple. After fighting the crowds, I was seen running through subway stations and the streets of Tokyo trying to catch the bus leaving for the airport from the New Sanno hotel. Too bad the bus left without me.
Fortunately, this bus was 5 hours before my flight was scheduled to leave. I am proud to say that I took a Tokyo city bus and the Narita Express train all by myself! I made it to the airport all in one piece. By the way, that airport is HUGE! It has its own mall and about a million restaurants. It definitely put O'Hare to shame, because it allowed nonpassengers to wander around with their loved ones until time to enter the gate. Stupid al Queda.
Anyway, after a long day, and an even longer flight, I was hardly in the mood for what happened next. Upon arrival into the airport, I waited, along with 2 other students in my class for hours. Allegedly, we were waiting for 3 other students to meet us before we could leave. Our guide was incorrect in believing the other students were coming, BECAUSE THEY'D ALREADY LEFT. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! To top it off, our guide didn't have a car for us, but was just there to hail a cab for us. (Something I feel we were perfectly competent to do on our own). Guess what, when we got back to the hotel (after the cabbie getting lost and charging us for his ineptitude), come to find out the other 3 students had a car. I swear, if someone had tried to attack me at that point (it being 3 am and all) I probably would be writing this from a Thai prison.
But alas, after a super high quality shopping trip, all is well. Stay tuned for other ridiculousness and pics.
The airplane ride was loooooooooooong. Felt much longer than the last one. Probably because I boarded the plane after a harrowing day which included missing my bus to the airport. This particular bus was supposed to leave at 12:40. After a "series of unfortunate events" I arrived at the hotel at 12:43. April, her sisters and I attempted to see a shrine in Tokyo. (I generally referred to it as "The Red One"). Sadly, everyone else in Tokyo had the exact same idea. This caused a rather body-to-body crowd which had a tendency not to move quickly. Thus making it impossible for me to actually get close to the temple. After fighting the crowds, I was seen running through subway stations and the streets of Tokyo trying to catch the bus leaving for the airport from the New Sanno hotel. Too bad the bus left without me.
Fortunately, this bus was 5 hours before my flight was scheduled to leave. I am proud to say that I took a Tokyo city bus and the Narita Express train all by myself! I made it to the airport all in one piece. By the way, that airport is HUGE! It has its own mall and about a million restaurants. It definitely put O'Hare to shame, because it allowed nonpassengers to wander around with their loved ones until time to enter the gate. Stupid al Queda.
Anyway, after a long day, and an even longer flight, I was hardly in the mood for what happened next. Upon arrival into the airport, I waited, along with 2 other students in my class for hours. Allegedly, we were waiting for 3 other students to meet us before we could leave. Our guide was incorrect in believing the other students were coming, BECAUSE THEY'D ALREADY LEFT. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! To top it off, our guide didn't have a car for us, but was just there to hail a cab for us. (Something I feel we were perfectly competent to do on our own). Guess what, when we got back to the hotel (after the cabbie getting lost and charging us for his ineptitude), come to find out the other 3 students had a car. I swear, if someone had tried to attack me at that point (it being 3 am and all) I probably would be writing this from a Thai prison.
But alas, after a super high quality shopping trip, all is well. Stay tuned for other ridiculousness and pics.
Sunday, January 02, 2005
Headin' South
Well friends, this will be my last blog from Japan. After spending the day in Tokyo, I will be leaving for Bangkok at 6:36. Hopefully, I'll find a computer there to post pictures. Stay tuned.......
Saturday, January 01, 2005

This is a shrine in Fussa, Japan; at sunset. We were lucky enough to see some of the New Year's Day rituals while we were there.
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