Sunday, January 11, 2009

Time, redefined

My mother likes to quote my 8th grade history table when referring to me. Evidently during a parent-teacher conference Mr. Hoffman told my mother that I seemed overly busy. (Which was totally true. Dance, viola, piano, cheerleading -if memory serves). But, he said, "if you want something done, ask the overly busy person." I fully buy into this theory. I find that the more I have to do, the more efficient I am.

Which brings me to my current blissfully and temporarily unemployed state. I can get one thing per day done. Seriously! I am completely incapable of doing anything productive these days. Something about having nothing to do turns me into a lazy bum. Normally, I feel quite bad about this. These days? Not an ounce of guilt. The only thing I'm not a big fan about is that I find no where to go during my final week of vacation. I'd like to go somewhere tropical and warm. Too bad I gots me no one to go with.

Maybe that should be my project for tomorrow. Find somewhere tropical and warm to go to, and someone to go with. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How bout going someplace warm and finding someone when you get there? ;-)