Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Personality Traits

Have you ever attempted to change your personality? When I was in Thailand, one of the guys (a former camp counselor) started a game called "what would you change about your personality." What would be your answer?

I'm not really big on the self-evaluation questions. Because, what kind of people lie to themselves? Really deluded people. And I'd rather not be really deluded. So, I end up answering the question, and then I am saddened by whatever horrible trait I'm unable to fix. My particular trait is the complete lack of ability to be romantically confrontational. I talk a big game, but I feel really bad telling someone who really likes me to bugger off. Now, don't get it twisted, I actually kind of enjoy blowing off a guy who is a total jerk, or THAT guy in the club. But others, such as 'bux boyf, and the Christian rapper -- wildly more difficult. As it turns out, I actually DO have feelings. (Something I'm not actually big on admitting -- which is another trait I should probably admit to wanting to change, but I'll reserve that one).

And really, how arrogant do you have to be to assume that turning someone down will hurt their feelings? Honestly, I'm not that arrogant. But I do think it's unpleasant to hear from someone that they just aren't that into you. And I'd feel terrible creating that unpleasant feeling. So, instead, I prefer to be all kinds of passive-aggressive. Thus far, it's worked splendidly, in that I can just stop answering phone calls, or I can force that person to stop calling me. (The classic reverse breakup). But, now I've gone and trapped myself with 'bux boyf. Either I confront him, and feel all icky; or I am stuck with him. Either way, I'm not entirely certain how I could ever go to that particular store again.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel....he's thinking about quitting. AND he had an interview with the Real World. Maybe he'll hit it big and move away to LALA Land.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Fashion Update

And now, for the spring update, an addendum. I forget whether I've already mentioned metallics being in, I think silver specifically....I've heard conflicting reports on whether silver will dominate gold or vice versa. Yellow is also the new hot color.

The exciting news resides in the shoe department. Apparently, the new hot shoe is the "skimmer". Skimmers are the lovechild of the ballet flat and the tennis shoe. Some lean more toward the tennis shoe side of the family; while others lean towards the ballet flat. Essentially, they are a very minimalist shoe. Probably very comfy. Also, they often have "toe cleavage". Incidentally, who decided "toe cleavage" is a legitimate term? And who decided that "toe cleavage" was sexy? Honestly, I've actually read that it's sexy. Which I find slightly distressing. The shoes, however, I find incredibly fabulous. They are colorful, comfy, and generally fun. And, as we all know, I'm completely on board for additions to my shoe closet.

Now, I rarely have updates for mens' fashion, but that's because I'm not as good at it -- mostly because I date metrosexuals who don't need my help. However, I've heard and observed that the 3rd part of the 3-piece suit is so in. But, it's a fashion accessory. Please refrain from wearing all 3 pieces at once, you'll look like the monopoly guy. Instead, from what I understand, you can wear just the vest and pant combo, or wear the vest with jeans, and other amalgamations. Basically, keep it casual. A word of caution, this is more a euro-style accessory, and therefore should only be worn by men who look good in a european cut. Think Justin Timberlake. (Pause to think about the hotness....*sigh*).

First Date Update

On Monday, I will have my 3rd first date in 2 months. I am sad to say, that it is with 'bux boyf. I feel like I owe him, as he's certainly put in the time and persistence. But, my patience is waning with this kid. And I do mean kid. He's so pesky. And, so far, he hasn't said much by way of substance or coherence. I fear the time I've promised him may wear on my nerves after 15 minutes. Wish me luck. And particularly by way of keeping a positive, open mind.

By way of update, I never did hear from my potential wedding date. Therefore, I won't be able to finagle my way into a trip to Italy. Sad.

I did hear from the Christian rapper, so to speak. The day after our date, he didn't call until 1045 p.m. Which was wholly unacceptable, and so I didn't answer. I did eventually forgive him, I suppose, because we shared a couple text exchanges. Then, he called 2 days ago. But I didn't answer -- I forget why. I think I legitimately missed the call. But, I haven't returned it. On the one hand, I'd like to, because he owes me dinner. On the other hand, there was a complete lack of spark -- so would free dinner be worth it?

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Happy Birthday pheebee's mom!

I was reading an article today, in the local free paper. Apparently, blogs are on the way out. Well, they're generally out already. They were talking about popular bloggers, who were just so over blogging...and these people had hundreds of readers or more. Meanwhile, I have all of, what -- 4 readers? Well, 10 if my mom's co-workers are reading. If those people are falling off the blogosphere, what hope is there for me?

On the other hand, as you all know, I am extremely lazy most times. I'd hate to have to tell every ridiculous story (and random thought in my head) over and over again. And I find blogging generally cathartic -- it's sort of like having a diary, without actually having to admit anything. (HA!)

On a completely unrelated note, I have been having a terribly difficult time this week. First, I attempted to send my mom a birthday card. I bought it early, addressed it, stamped it, and...well, that's it. I completely forgot to mail it. As it turns out, it's a good thing I didn't, because the card that I'd signed "Have a happy birthday, Love, pheebee" was NOT my mother's birthday card. It was the sympathy card that I'd bought for my IM boyf. Sad isn't it? Good thing I discovered it before I actually mailed it. Otherwise, my mom would've gotten a card that said "My prayers are with you" in text; and "Have a Happy Birthday!" in handwriting. Now that would've been bad, wouldn't it?

On top of that, I went to bed one night, with my front door unlocked, and a carton of milk and eggs sitting in the hallway outside after grocery shopping, because I forgot to bring them in. I'm scared to leave my apartment tomorrow -- for fear of what may happen. Yikes. Time to go to bed, and start over (next week).

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Make up to Break up

Recently, I met a guy (don't get all excited, he's married w/children). He and I have gone out to lunch a few times, and he's, how do I say this? Nosy, but in a good way. :). Anyway, said guy, n.k.a. martamack, is one of these married people who loves to be regaled with stories of the single life. I have a sneaking suspicion that he likes to hear them so he can be amused while looking smugly down his nose at his poor singleton friends. (As all married people do).

But I digress. This post, aside from introducing a new character to the island, is about sketchy breakups. I was telling martamack about how the engineer had dumped me without an actual relationship. I was telling martamack about how I could think of no acceptable reason why someone you're not dating can dump you. But, you know the story. The moral of the story, is that martamack was defending him. And I can find no logical explanation for that other than gender loyalty. After I spoke to him about it, I realized that the ninja and I often broke up without actually dating. Of course, he and I had actually dated at some point, making it a completely different situation.

So, this makes me think. If a dude can dump a chick they aren't dating, is it therefore true that men are never "just friends" with women? And if so, does that mean when they say they're your friend, they're just waiting for the right time to swoop in and drop some game? Things that make you go hmm...

On a related note, I was also dumped by the married hoosier. Or rather, the married hoosier recently stopped calling. A fact I am sorely disappointed by -- minus the disappointment. But, that's a post for another time.


So, the SiQ posed a question last night, which I am ill-equipped to answer. Therefore, I'm posing it to you, as I find it to be a common occurrence -- well among the two of us anyway. So, here's the deal. There's this guy, we'll call him Lester, that she works with, who's nice and entertaining enough, but not on the list of potentials -- although not for lack of trying. He's just not on her list. So anyway, she still jokes around with Lester, because that's what cool chicks do. Apparently, earlier this week, she was joking around with a different guy, we'll call him L'il Bro. So, L'il Bro was being a smart-arse, cuz that's what little brothers do. Apparently, Lester asked the SiQ if L'il Bro was bothering her. To which she said "yes". Bear in mind, that this is a group of smart-arses who are accustomed to joking around. The next sound we hear is L'il Bro's body being slammed up against the wall (albeit gently) and L'il Bro saying "sorry man, I didn't know she was your girl". Please note, at no point in this post did I declare Lester and the SiQ a couple.

Now, slightly similar situations have happened to me, and certainly to other women. Thus laying the foundation to the question. Why are the men on the not-potential list so darn possessive? And how do you tell these men that they should lay off -- particularly if you don't want to hurt their feelings? And, given the numerous Dateline specials on psychos, how do you determine if the possessor is psycho and avoid being stalked? Any ideas? Anyone, anyone? Bueller? Ok, I'll be waiting for your answers. Thanks. :)

Monday, April 16, 2007


So, I've been meaning to blog. I even attempted to do so last week. BUT, was under service. So, I'm going to attempt to get my blogging in properly over the next couple days. First up, is a blog on, what else? men. But not how you think.

As you may have figured out, I'm pretty much convinced that all men are sex-obsessed and irritating. I have since determined that this is true across ALL species. Recently, I watched some birdies, specifically pigeons. (For the record, the pigeons here are like the squirrels were at my alma mater -- they run the world). Anyway, the first time I noticed it, there were two pigeons running around. Literally, running. A boy pigeon, we'll call him Nick was chasing a girl pigeon, we'll call her Daisy. They were running around and around in a circle. What made it so enetertaining is that Daisy was incredibly uninterested in Nick's antics. So much so, that at times she'd open her wings to put some distance between herself and Nick. Much like in human life, the boy was quite persistent. I must have watched this for a good 5 minutes. I'll even bet that the other people around me thought I was a bit touched in the head.

What was so hilarious, is that while I was watching this amusing exchange, there was a 3rd pigeon that they were running around (literally). And all this pigeon could do was watch. Moreover, I couldn't help but compare the situation to the standard club-scene nonsense. You know, when the creepy creepy guy is chasing around some poor girl who never should have accepted the free drink in the first place. What doesn't make me feel better is what this means -- there's no escaping the persistent guy who has set his sights on you. *Sigh*. If I forget, remind never to accept a free drink from THAT guy -- because I don't have any wings to help me escape.

Monday, April 02, 2007


Well, this weekend was quite a weekend. 2DP, my good friend from my hometown, was down to my new town. I was all kinds of worried about how I'd keep him entertained for 2.5 days, but as it turns out, he is easily amused.

It was his very first time on a train, and other various forms of public transportation. I was happy to provide the experience. And, it was the birth of his handle. 2DP, for the uninitiated stands for 2 Day Pass. It does NOT stand for that other kind of DP -- perverts.

But I digress. On Friday, I was finally able to make a stop at a fabulous little basement bar near my (landlord's) condo. Trust me, any resto that serves fried sweet potatoes is a fabulous restaurant. AND there were $5 martinis. Now, he and I partook of some alcoholic beverages both before dinner and afterwards. I think they may have gone straight to our heads. We had a summer camp moment of sorts after returning to the pad. As some of you may or may not know, my (landlord's) condo is loft style, so I have a split level. 2DP was sleeping on the bomb sleeper sofa that is in my living room, and I was upstairs in my bed. Before falling asleep, we chatted it up over the balcony rails, naturally. However, 2DP may have had a bit much to drink. (To be fair, those Long Islands were practically clear). He went into a 20 minute tirade about paper plates.

It all started when he asked me if I ever used them, or if I was a more real dishes girl. So, I am actually a real dishes girl, but there are paper plates in my cabinets left over from my last apartment. And thus began the 20 minute tirade. Why, oh why, would you not only take up packing space for paper plates, but waste the gas to transport them across one great state and into another? he asked. Well I don't know! Why would I throw them out? Honestly, oy! But, the kicker here...after several minutes of discussing the gas money I wasted and the packing space I utilized, he asked if he could have them. Now, I beg you, which is less logical. Packing them along with kitchen things when moving, or visiting your friend and then packing them in a backpack next to your laptop and toting them along in public transportation? Ok then. I thought so. So, phooey on you 2DP.

Anyway, we also visited a baby beluga, and purchased a khaki hat. The final destination on Saturday was to an improv show (something you gotta visit me to see!). On Sunday, we had a cozy night in....separate beds, followed by breakfast delivery. 2DP being the future husband, and smoothe operator that he is, surprised me with flowers. (Insert awwwwwwwww here). I've gotten more flowers in this condo than I've ever received at my last apartment. Man! This must be the lucky condo.

All in all, it was a darn fine weekend. Oh, and 2DP also wanted to play a hilariously inappropriate joke. I won't reveal it here, because it may still happen. But I will say, it may involve electronic messaging and tracking. HA. Stay tuned...