Monday, November 28, 2005


Alright, I confess. I am a chronic under-eater. Not in the anorexic, eating disorder way. But in the 'my schedule got thrown off and so I haven't eaten for 5 hours' way. Which usually leads to headache or dizziness. ACTUALLY, that might not be true. I think my friends and family just say that because they know I get headaches often. I still maintain that there has been no proven connection between my headaches and my random eating habits.

But here's the problem. Say you haven't eaten anything all day -- but you did have a nice, warm, yummiful latte from the local coffee shop. You finally get around to eating something purchased at the mall or a nearby fast food place. So, say it's now quite late in the evening. What to do now? Do you eat something else that can be quickly bought? OR do you leave the eating for another day?

Yes, this was a random post. Yes I'm writing it simply to avoid studying. Blah.

Friday, November 25, 2005

D.C. at night.
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D.C. at night

I heart D.C. at night -- well, the monuments anyway. I'm sure the 'hood is nothing nice. But I have no intention of being in the 'hood at night, so I will stick with my original statement. I heart D.C. at night. And might I add, I feel that visiting the Jefferson Memorial at dusk would make for quite a romantic date -- I wonder if you can take a picnic out there? Hey neat! That's the second out-of-town romantic date I've discovered. (Remember my post about the Lou). Now all I need is the rich boyf who can afford to spring for the plane tickets and the hotel.

~I'll bet you'd be expected to put out for a date like that. Hmm, that's unfortunate because I'm not putting out for anything less than a carat.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I was just watching the "tyra" show (not on purpose, believe me that was just the channel the t.v. was on when I turned it on). For the 15 minutes that I tolerated the show, I realized that that was 15 minutes of my life that I won't get back. But aside from that, I heard something interesting. Hugh Hefner, playboy extraordinaire, was on talking about monogamy. (Apparently, the topic of the show was 'is monogamy natural?') Tyra asked him if he thought monogamy was natural, and you can guess his answer. But then she asked if his heart had ever been broken by someone cheating. And he said yes. More shocking, he said that he had been faithful to his second marriage. I was shocked! Now, of course, there's the possibility that he's lying, but that wouldn't really do much for his reputation one way or another. So, assuming we believe him, isn't that reassuring? If Hugh Hefner, playboy extraordinaire, who ALWAYS has (ahem) bunnies around can be faithful, then maybe so can the average man.

Neat. That's one chip away at the big block of cynicism on my shoulder. :)

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Profound thoughts while in the shower

You know that commercial for a hotel chain that says "just think what would happen to you if you stayed here..." and they show people winning Nobel prizes wrapped in towels, or coming up with a brilliant business plan while wrapped in a towel, etc. Basically these people have been coming up with wonderful ideas because the showerheads at the hotel were so great that they stayed in there and had great ideas? Well, short story long; I love that commercial because it's very true to life (for me). I ALWAYS think in the shower. Today, said thought was something I decided to share.

I've always wondered what people really think about me. Have you ever wondered this? I mean, certain things you're completely aware of. Other things, those things people just won't tell you, I've always wanted to know. What are those unspeakable things that people say behind my back? I mean, the true things, of course. The untrue things generally get back to me eventually -- (did you hear I slept with so and so? I know! I wonder if it was good?) Basically, I've always wondered what I don't know about my personality. I've always thought most people are aware that I can handle it, but I know people always say that, but they don't really mean it. So, I guess until I find someone that is super rude in normalcy terms, I'll just never know. Sad times. Ah well. Ignorance is bliss right? And if not bliss, at least it's an excuse for not changing those bad habits right? (That's my version of reality anyway :})

Friday, November 18, 2005

Una Domanda

Why is the guy on "how do i look?" wearing a skirt? Please explain. Furthermore, why is the skirt he's wearing not the only one he owns? If you hazard a guess, please keep in mind that he is in a heterosexual relationship and says he wears them for comfort. And then he had the audacity to be surprised when his g/f said it was a problem in their relationship.

Note to the male public at large: wearing a skirt will not turn your woman on.
Thank you.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Adventures in Bureaucracy

My newest adventure in dealing with idiots happened early this week. On Monday, I applied for a private loan because frankly, law school is expensive. (Insert comment about me being in-state here. Good, glad you got that out of your system).

However, instead of granting the loan, I received an email from Uncle Stafford telling me that my financial aid was already equivalent to my need/expenses, and therefore my loan was denied. Well gee! Why didn't I think of that?! If my expenses were already paid, why did I apply for that silly loan? Oh right. Because I still need money, so apparently I still have expenses. Idiots!

Meanwhile, I still need that money, but it is unavailable to me. Now, grant it, I'm not working right now. But even if I was, what kind of part-time job leads to $3500 (quickly, no less). Yeah, I couldn't think of one either. I hate school.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Peaches & Cream

Yes, I have pictures of the D.C. trip, but they will have to be posted later. Today, I am making an announcement, for NYE I will be travelling south (ah, warmer weather) and having good times in the state of peaches. I was debating between Atlanta (pretty brown men) and Minnesota (awesome Phi-Os). In the end, after taking a poll, ATL won by a pretty tight margin. The deciding factor was that I spent NYE in Minnesota 2 years ago, and I've never spent it in ATL. Thus, I will be taking a trip south to visit an aforementioned engineer. Neat. :)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Something Happened!

Yay! The Malpractice Bash happened. It was generally a good time. The med students definitely outnumbered the law students this year. Sadly, they were mostly lame and boring, but this was to be expected. The girls kept squealing though, and that was supremely annoying. The BLSA men were out in full force, and that is always wonderful to see. The 2L class, BLSA or otherwise, was shamefully MIA. The 1L class was there but quiet. And my class, well, we already knew most of us are lame, but those of us that love to party were definitely there. All in all, it was a good time. And to top it off, I managed to take a picture that made me look tall! Woo hoo!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Winds of Change...

Are stagnant. Darn it. In spite of quoting Etta, I am, indubitably, in a rut. My mother once told me that if you're finding something wrong with the whole world, maybe you're the one with the problem. Yeah, I'm living that life. Everything is driving me crazy these days. Everyone I know is grating on my nerves; my apartment makes me stir-crazy; I've been feeling whiny (which drives me crazy, let alone people I talk to I'm sure) and I have wicked cravings for random food. So unless I am pregnant via immaculate conception, I need a change.

So what to do? I need a vacation, but I have no moola; I am the engineer on the broke-train. I do have a trip to D.C. coming up, but alas, it is for an interview. (Note: that is singular, not plural). But I would much prefer a vacation. Or perhaps a different sort of distraction. Like, winning the lottery. Or maybe a new toy -- like a new cell phone or the iPod Nano. Or maybe a new love-interest. Something, anything new! Living vicariously through my friends is proving fruitless. I need my own life, the novelty of this one is wearing off.

Now, about those cravings -- anybody got a line on peanut butter cupcakes?


Ok, last night I'm talking with my friend, and we were discussing relationships. How we got on that topic is beyond me, but I choose to blame him for it. Because, I was talking about my last LTR (long-term relationship), and I realized that my last one was 4 years ago. Good heavens! Really?! It's been that long? Sad.

Now, of course I've gotten over not having an LTR. It's not like that was my last date. But, law school has been taking FOREVER, so it doesn't feel like that was 4 years ago....almost 5 now! eek! Can I just graduate from law school immediately, and then pause time. I'm really not ready for adulthood, thankyouverymuch. And for the record, I plan to be 24 for at least one more year.