Thursday, September 23, 2010

On Being an Adult

Well, pheebee has been an adult for 4 years now. There are a lot of things are pretty freakin' sweet. There are other things that suck. But all in all, it's a nice ride. So now, it's time to take it to the next level. Allow me to give the highlights of what you need to do to take it to the next level:

For the girls:
1. Keep your comments to yourself. Yes, you would feel better if you could tell that girl with her baby sister's clothes on that she looks like a 50 cent hooker, but in the end, it really isn't good for anyone.

2. Only show one sexy area of the body at a time. Dang girl, leave SOMETHING to the imagination.

3. Purchase a kick ass tv. Real adults have at least 32".

And, for the boys:
1. Pull up yer effen pants. SERIOUSLY. No one wants to see your azz in those plaid boxers when you're walking down the street.

2. Learn to court a woman. For real. Being hot isn't gonna cut it. Ok, it's gonna cut it for a while, but after a couple months buy some freakin' flowers!

3. Get a real bed. A futon does not qualify. And while I'm on the subject, any furniture that's left over from your dorm room should be thrown out immediately. Really, that's got to be a breeding ground for all kinds of cooties. Get some real furniture!

Ok, thus ends pheebees guide to adult life...for now.

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