Thursday, September 15, 2005


So, I was watching the Today Show this morning, when they started talking about "Football Widows" and how women needed something to do while the menfolk were off watching football. I have to admit, I was more than a little insulted by this proposition. I am a woman, and adore football. But, I kept watching (I'm hostage to my ever-fussy reception). Apparently, some chick with far too much time on her hands has created a Fantasy Fashion League. Ahem, pardon?

Well, I looked at the website. You need 6 people to start a league. Then, each "team" selects 10 "players". The players are designers -- clothing, shoes, handbags -- and celebrities. Points are acquired through press releases, sightings, mentions in magazines, etc. The website keeps track of all the points for you, and then at the end there's a winner. Each winner will be entered into a drawing to win a $1000 shopping spree at the online shoe store, zappos. Well, needless to say, I was intrigued. I have since emailed all of my fashion savvy friends, and hopefully we will have a --shall we say, League of Our Own?!

The downside is that it costs $18, but happily $8 of each person's fee goes to Katrina aid. NICE!

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