Monday, May 14, 2007

True Calling

Like most of my contemporaries, I am wondering if I picked the right professional path. Frankly, if I thought I could keep myself in the lifestyle to which I intend to become accustomed, I'd definitely be doing something other than insurance defense. Mostly because insurance defense is not nearly as exciting as you think.

So what would I do instead? Well, what are the things I heart dearly? I heart talking about fashion and dancing. So really, I should be either a dance costume designer, OR a fashionista tango dancer. Unfortunately, I don't see either of these, law it is. Bah!


JanHan said...

I hear you! My Business and Communications degree is being put to good use - but I passionate about coordinating investments and helping municipality employees plan their retirement? - not so much...I'd much rather live in NYC and be independently wealthy and shop for shoes with you

Anonymous said...

I hear a certain restaurant is hiring . . . :)


pheebee said...

This post is about MY fantasy job. Not yours. (Didn't I kick you off my island?)