Thursday, November 13, 2008

Not that there's anything wrong with that

Ok, there's a chick at the gym who most likely thinks I'm gay. Which is fine, except for the fact that I'm not actually a lesbian. The thing is, she has the exact physique that I want. She's approximately my height, and has the tiny and fit compact body that I want. Her chest is way bigger, but I've never been a I-wish-I-had-a-bigger-chest kind of girl. Honestly, I kind of enjoy being a member of the itty bitty committee. I enjoy going without *ahem* support when I'm just not in the mood.

Anyhoo, back to the girl who probably thinks I'm lusting after her. The thing is, I'm really not. (And if I was, I wouldn't want her knowing it because I'm sure she knows she's cute and I really am not the type to feed an ego.) But I just want to put her in the interrogation room and depose her on her fitness and eating habits. I mean seriously! How did she get that body?! The exercises I see her doing don't really seem to be that hard. Maybe she just works out for waaaay longer than I do. Hmmm. Maybe she's got way more money than I do and can therefore afford a permanent trainer. Whatever she's doing, can you let a sistah know?!

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