Ok islanders. You are officially off the relationship expert panel. I'm not taking any of y'all's advice anymore. As you know, I attempted to cut off 'bux boyf. As you also know, he was none too happy about being dismissed. But you all convinced me this was the proper course of action. Well allow me to disabuse you of that notion.
As you know, I told him I just wasn't feeling him, yada yada yada. So, I continue to talk to him here and there, offering the obligatory olive branch of friendship (note: HIS idea). You know how that's going? Miserably! I can't even stand to chat it up for 10 minutes or less anymore. The last few times we've talked, he's given me a guilt-trip. As in, "well, before you did what you did, I was going to give you a free drink coupon." And so on. Gah! I mean seriously. Man up already! I'm pretty sure I'm off the hook for talking to him...but how can I ever go to that Starbucks again? I have no desire to endure the stupid puppy dog eyes and pouting. *Sigh* I am beyond done with the young bucks.
In semi-related news, the ninja and I are on the speaking side of the pendulum that is our post-break-up relationship. Naturally, he and his g/f are having difficulties -- or so he says. Anyway, I was forced to reconsider the ending of our relationship. He sent me a cell phone pic of his sexy sexy abs. Knowing full well that I am like Pavlov's dogs when it comes to abs. (Grant it, he's always had a nice body, but dang it if he didn't put on about 20 lbs of muscle). Remind me, why did we break up again? Oh right, because of his inability to return phone calls. But....after all that hard work in the gym, shouldn't he be rewarded with the privilege of my company? Moreover, am I really that shallow?
Friday, May 18, 2007
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Yes, but that's how it works in today's world. Women only talk about kindness, stability, commitment, and all those similar qualities. What they really want is sexy abs (or enter any part of the male anatomy here) and a big paycheck.
When those physical things go away five or ten years down the line, they switch to the newer model. But hey, it was a nice ride while it lasted, right?
Regardless, I think you two would make a good couple.
P.S. - - I understand us males have issues too, but this post wasn't about us.
P.P.S. - - told you you were only staying with bux because of the free coffee. Otherwise, you would have been long gone. (smile)
As long as I'm up this early in the morning, I figured I'd give more meaningless advice.
Over the years, almost all those beautiful muscles turn to fat. The only two muscles that don't - - the brain and (well we'll leave that to your imagination) - - only become useless after you're married.
I guess the bottom line is - - no matter how cute he is, don't stay with him unless he can help you think, smile, and be glad that you are alive.
Alright MM, I'll address each of your points in turn.
1. You forgot taste in diamonds, and ability to purchase presents. A paycheck is useless if he isn't spending it on me.
2. The ninja doesn't have a big paycheck.
3. Nothing wrong with a little eyecandy.
4. You've never actually seen us as a couple.
5. Nothing wrong with pimpin' a man for his coffee :)
6. Why were you up that early?
7. Darn smug married people. (you people are so useless). Your new handle is married martamack.
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