Monday, September 29, 2008

Accidental Date

Yeah, ok. I know I say this all the time; but I found myself on a date again. And by found, I mean it was unintentional. Basically, what happened is this: There's this dude that used to work at Medleh a couple floors down in my office building. As it turns out, he has the same name as the Danka guy. I discovered this a couple weeks ago when I saw him on the street near the building. Anyway, he asked for my business card so we could keep in touch. I honestly didn't think much of it. I mean, he works with a lot of law firms, sooooo I figured it was plain old networking.

Anyway, he emailed me last week, and said do you want to do lunch? I said yes, thinking it was the Danka guy. And then I realized it was the Medleh guy. But whatever. We get to the resto, and I had already ordered online. And then he paid. Wait, what? He paid? Oh crap. This is a date isn't it? Bastidos! And that, my friends, is how one finds oneself on an accidental date. Neat huh?

In case you were wondering, I am not that into him. He's officially not my type. He'd make an excellent platonic friend. But as far as romanticism goes, I will pass. Blech!

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