Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Political Par-tay

I'd originally intended on blogging on the history recently made by one Mr. Barack Obama. (Can you think of anyone more fantastic right now? Because I can't). But then, I found myself distracted by some high quality shenanigans going on in the Republican party, that I am moved to comment on. Here's that comment: PAH HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Ok, so what we're saying is, John McCain chose a woman who was (a) a runner-up in the Miss Alaska pageant in the late 80s, (b) younger than Mr. Obama, (c) has only been governor for 20 months, and (d) has a pregnant 17 year old daughter.

PAH HAHAHAHA. This, my friends, is pure comedy. You have a right-wing hardcore card carrying NRA type, who is pro-life, anti-abortion, and pro-abstinence-only education. And this, is who the distinguished senator from AZ chooses to run with him? Just because she's a woman with youthful energy? This is his answer to the unstoppable, half-man half-amazing Mr. Obama?

Tell me, this is not hilarious. That's right, you can't.
What's next Mr. McCain? Cody Diablo as Secretary of Health and Human Services? Perhaps Superhead (the Video Vixen) as Head of FEMA?

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