Tuesday, January 17, 2012

1001 days

My co-worker gave me a great idea and I'm totally stealing it from her. She was seeking suggestions for her list of 101 things to do within 1001 days. A little googling led me to this website explaining the project.. I love list-making and I love goal-setting, so this just seemed like a nifty journey to embark upon.

The parameters on this website are bit stringent for me. I don't think everything on the list needs to be a "stretch." Sometimes, it's just about getting something done -- or doing something I've always wanted to do. And so, I am now taking suggestions on what to do!

I also wonder what date I should use. If I end it on Dec 31, 2014 (which seemed like an easy date to pick), I don't have to start until April 4. But then, I thought April 4 was so far away that I would lose interest. So then I thought ending it on my birthday of 2014, but I realized that a.) it was too late for 1001 days until that date, and b.) I don't celebrate my birthday anymore. So then, I thought maybe my half birthday would be a good day (November 22, 2014), because I typically begin to clean house and look back over my life around that time. But, it's kind of a lame day to end something. Then, I looked at Christmas Day, 2014. And, that too seemed silly. Maybe I'll start on Chinese New Year of this year...which is January 23, 2012. I'm concerned that might be too soon to come up with a list.

Basically, I'm officially taking suggestions on the list AND on the start (or end) date. I think my backup start date will be Feb 29, 2012, which has me ending on the day before Thanksgiving, 2014. Hm...that could be a good day too.

I'm already excited to start this new journey. Who's with me?!!?

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