Thursday, June 23, 2005

Beauty and the Geek

Ok, wow. We, as a people, are very shallow. I don't think we should be ashamed of it. Just think, peacocks have pretty feathers, the robin has a red breast, doggies sniff, and the list goes on and on. So, what we do is preen by clothing. And might I just say, after watching this week's episode of "Beauty and the Geek" on the WB; I feel we should continue this custom.

Let's admit it. First impressions are everything. Furthermore, I don't care what we say about the importance of a person's personality....You just have to want to see that person naked before you care to find out about their personality. Sexual attraction is key. And clothes really do make the man.

Does this make us shallow? Of course. Does that make us terrible people? No. Just don't forget about everything that's important. Use it for first impressions ONLY! (Unless you have a REALLY REALLY good reason for placing more emphasis on looks -- wink).

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