Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sister Mary Bridget Jones

Yesterday, martamack -- ahem, Married martamack -- missed his train, and because he lives in BFE, that meant another one wasn't coming for quite some time. Being the adoring kid sister that I am, I agreed to meet him at the nearest Starbucks and provide company. During our coffee break, I had a very Bridget Jones Diary moment.

You may remember the scene in the first Bridget Jones movie where she's sitting around at a friend's dinner as the only single person there. And one of the smug married men goes "so why do you suppose there are so many women in their thirties who are single?" or some such thing. To which she replied it was because she had scales and fur.

Anyway, the day before yesterday, MMM asked his periodic question of "why are you still single"? Evidently, the answer I gave him on Tuesday wasn't satisfactory enough, because we wound around to that topic again on Wednesday night. I think it may have started because I was describing why bottle-service guy was re-kicked off the island.

Anyway, my usual course of action is to play off the question, or merely ignore it. However, today, I've decided to lay this issue to rest once and for all. The reason why, I have had 7 (8???) first dates and 0 second dates in the past 11 months is because I am abstinent. There, I said it. I dare you to refute it. Think about it, first, the sexual revolution, followed by Sex and the City, and everything in between, and I expect a guy -- mind you, a guy I just met -- to give up getting laid on a regular basis until marriage? Yes, I acknowledge the arrogance in that, but sadly the idea of burning in hell and the accompanying emotional guilt just aren't worth it for me. But, I don't blame the guy for just deciding not to ask me out on a second date, and find a girl whose giving it up instead. I mean really? I'd do the same thing.

MMM's solution to all this was just not mentioning it until the 3rd date. I'm pretty sure all that does is put off the inevitable...and adds the extra bonus of accusations of being a tease. AND, if you don't bring it up right away, I find that the guy merely believes it's a ploy and that either (a) I'm lying in order to look coy or (b) he can talk me into having sex.

So there, that's why I'm still single. All clear? Ok good. Glad we talked about that. Just call me Sister Mary Bridget Jones.


Anonymous said...

All good things come to those who wait. Eventually you will find the right guy.

Anonymous said...

This post was tough to swallow given the 2-day "sex-a-thon" you and I were recently the stars of. Greetings from Baltimore!

pheebee said...

anonymous -- don't be obnoxious, this was not a looking for a man post. This was an observation on society post.
2dp -- that was a secret! Geez!