Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Ok, last night I'm talking with my friend, and we were discussing relationships. How we got on that topic is beyond me, but I choose to blame him for it. Because, I was talking about my last LTR (long-term relationship), and I realized that my last one was 4 years ago. Good heavens! Really?! It's been that long? Sad.

Now, of course I've gotten over not having an LTR. It's not like that was my last date. But, law school has been taking FOREVER, so it doesn't feel like that was 4 years ago....almost 5 now! eek! Can I just graduate from law school immediately, and then pause time. I'm really not ready for adulthood, thankyouverymuch. And for the record, I plan to be 24 for at least one more year.

1 comment:

Katherine. said...

Does that mean I get to be 23 for another year?