Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Winds of Change...

Are stagnant. Darn it. In spite of quoting Etta, I am, indubitably, in a rut. My mother once told me that if you're finding something wrong with the whole world, maybe you're the one with the problem. Yeah, I'm living that life. Everything is driving me crazy these days. Everyone I know is grating on my nerves; my apartment makes me stir-crazy; I've been feeling whiny (which drives me crazy, let alone people I talk to I'm sure) and I have wicked cravings for random food. So unless I am pregnant via immaculate conception, I need a change.

So what to do? I need a vacation, but I have no moola; I am the engineer on the broke-train. I do have a trip to D.C. coming up, but alas, it is for an interview. (Note: that is singular, not plural). But I would much prefer a vacation. Or perhaps a different sort of distraction. Like, winning the lottery. Or maybe a new toy -- like a new cell phone or the iPod Nano. Or maybe a new love-interest. Something, anything new! Living vicariously through my friends is proving fruitless. I need my own life, the novelty of this one is wearing off.

Now, about those cravings -- anybody got a line on peanut butter cupcakes?

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