Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I was just watching the "tyra" show (not on purpose, believe me that was just the channel the t.v. was on when I turned it on). For the 15 minutes that I tolerated the show, I realized that that was 15 minutes of my life that I won't get back. But aside from that, I heard something interesting. Hugh Hefner, playboy extraordinaire, was on talking about monogamy. (Apparently, the topic of the show was 'is monogamy natural?') Tyra asked him if he thought monogamy was natural, and you can guess his answer. But then she asked if his heart had ever been broken by someone cheating. And he said yes. More shocking, he said that he had been faithful to his second marriage. I was shocked! Now, of course, there's the possibility that he's lying, but that wouldn't really do much for his reputation one way or another. So, assuming we believe him, isn't that reassuring? If Hugh Hefner, playboy extraordinaire, who ALWAYS has (ahem) bunnies around can be faithful, then maybe so can the average man.

Neat. That's one chip away at the big block of cynicism on my shoulder. :)

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