Thursday, April 13, 2006

Report on things

Things that have been said to me:
"But for that sweet sweet bod, we'd all think you were a dude."
"Nice legs, didn't know you had any."
Thanks? I think...

Things that are gross:
1. Finding a hair in your Arapaho Wrap
2. Finding a bug in your Hot Turtle
Incidentally, these are also things that happened to me in the last 7 days.

Things that are adventurous:
1. Riding your scooter with only 1 contact on.
2. Riding your scooter without your helmet.
Incidentally, these are also Things that I found out were adventurous this week.

Things that make me sad:
1. There's a kid that was quoted as saying "marriage is for white people."
2. There are tens of thousands more black men in prison than in college.

Things that make me angry:
1. Gas is $2.79.
2. I spent $30+ filling up my gas tank.

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