Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Lots of Changes

Well, stuff has actually been happening lately. Namely, I graduated baby! The ceremony was nice, all though some of the speeches made me do a head tilt. I was, however, distracted for most of the time because I was busy worrying about where I'd last had my right earring. Now, losing an earring is not normally a traumatic experience, except I'd worn these for precisely 2 hours and 3 minutes. However, they were eventually found -- in the backseat of my car of all places. I suspect it fell out of my ear and into my car when I had to run back and grab my wayward tassle. Anyway, the panic subsided shortly after finding the earring. And so I was able to shake my groove thang calmly at the graduation party.


Ok, I hafta go get ready for my date. To be continued....

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