Saturday, May 06, 2006

Night Out

So last night, I amused myself by going out to The Climax -- a party hosted by the gentlemen of Alpha Phi Alpha. I must say it was generally enjoyable. Although, there was an incident.

So, I go to the dance floor with another girl to get our groove on. As we're out there, she's approached by a guy that she knows. She proceeds to introduce us. Anyway, he's talking some trash about how we thundercats don't know about it. Apparently he's older than your average undergrad. So, to prove that I know all about the dance, I proceed to show my prowess on the dance floor...and then get left by the girl that introduced us. Which was ok, not like she left the building or anything.

Anyway, we're dancing. And "Check Up On It" comes on, and I am all kinds of excited. As I shake my groove thing, he not-at-all discreetly examines my groove thing. Complete with commentary "aww, let me see it, let me take a look." To be fair, I was being obnoxious about imitating the dance in the video, and so I found his comment less insulting and more funny. Then we continue to dance, and OH MY GOODNESS is he really attempting to touch my, oh no wait, he's just tall and didn't realize that he nearly touched my. Ok, I"ll just put my hands in my pockets to keep him from getting confused, OH MY GOODNESS you simply canNOT make that same mistake twice. Who does he think he is? Is there a sign up that requests gratuitous groping of my puhbic area? And why aren't you as smart as Pavlov's dogs, you keep reaching even though you keep getting blocked you not-so-sly like the jungle cat sexual harasser. Oh thank goodness, here comes some guy that wants to talk to him, I see my escape. Oh crap, he caught me. "I need to go check on my girl, I'll be right back" (In a pig's eye I will).

Then it's the end of the night, and do you know he asked for my phone so he could put his number in it? (After more gratuitous and all around sleazy touching -- this time limited to my midsection). Yeah. Right. Sure. I'll "scream" at you alright. Uh huh. riiiiiiiiiight. Wonder if he's holding his breath?


Katherine. said...

I imagine he is.

pheebee said...

That's truly unfortunate. Blue is generally not a good color on the skin.