Tuesday, May 30, 2006


There is a new island policy re: young'ns. From henceforth, I am choosing to give the young bucks a chance; but only to a certain point, of course. I've been reviewing the guys I've been interested in in the past couple years. During this review, I observed that I have had quite the habit of being into the guys that are adorably young. Grant it, I haven't been at risk of catching any cases (read: statutory rape). But, they have been as many as 2-3 younger. Sadly, they've also worked my nerves with their decor, BUT I figure this is probably going to be resolved in the next couple years.

Ok, so I have to try to be less condescending and more patient with regards to dress code and alcohol banners. (Challenging in and of itself). But otherwise, the young bucks have actually been more attentive and polite than the older ones. For example, opening car doors, returning phone calls, and general niceness. All good things.

In an unrelated note, there has been a permanent eviction of the ex (yeah that one) from the island. It's for real this time. Any sightings should be reported immediately to island security.

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