Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cater 2 U

I frequently wax poetic about what a woman wants, in an effort to help men give their women more romance in their lives. But I rarely consider what a man wants. Let's operate under the theory that a happy man is more likely to romance a woman. So, how often do women think about making a man happy? Rarely. I suspect that's because most of us women secretly think that men are idiots and/or all they want is sex. Which is probably mostly true (I kid, I kid), but that doesn't mean the simple creatures don't deserve happiness, right? I mean, you throw your dog a bone every once in a while, don't you?

Ok then. So I asked a few of my guy friends and exes what it takes to make a man happy. After I got past the BS answers they all thought I wanted to hear, we got down to brass tacks. You know what a man wants? He wants to be catered to; to feel like a king. How do you do that? The most common request I've ever heard is cooking. A good meal, or even a putting together a nice spread for him and his friends when they're going to watch the fight. Then of course there are the intangibles -- listening when he's talking, letting him feel like he's in charge, letting him feel like the big man on campus.

My friend the officer said it best: "Men just want someone to like them. In return for letting us feel like we're in charge, we buy you things...In subsequent return for us buying you things, you let us touch your boobs."

Well said, my friend. Well said.

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